Experiment ID: 263

Field Description
namequality of irrigation water affects soil functionality and bacterial community stability to heat disturbance

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
263amnonhigh freq. in desert soil irrigated daily in lab (dominant research facility, soil, israel, negev desert, sandy loam soil, ph 7-8, irrigated)2017-12-11v41 / 6approvedNo
263amnonhigher in soils irrigated with artificial wastewater compared to other methods ( high in artificial wastewater irrigation compared to tap water irrigation fertilized water irrigation treated wastewater irrigation in research facility soil israel negev desert sandy loam soil ph 7-8 irrigated )2017-12-11v41 / 127approvedNo
263amnonlower in soils irrigated with artificial wastewater compared to other methods ( high in fertilized water irrigation treated wastewater irrigation tapwater irrigation compared to artificial wastewater irrigation in research facility soil israel negev desert sandy loam soil ph 7-8 irrigated )2017-12-11v41 / 134approvedNo
263amnonhigher in heat stressed soil (65C) compared to control ( high in heat stressed soil compared to control in research facility soil israel negev desert sandy loam soil ph 7-8 irrigated )2017-12-11v41 / 402approvedNo
263amnoncommon in desert soil irrigated daily in lab (common research facility, soil, israel, negev desert, sandy loam soil, ph 7-8, irrigated)2017-12-11v41 / 1076approvedNo
263amnonlower in heat stressed soil (65C) compared to control ( high in control compared to heat stressed soil in research facility soil israel negev desert sandy loam soil ph 7-8 irrigated )2017-12-11v41 / 1893approvedNo

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