Experiment ID: 47

Field Description
namelowry ptsd mice
nameto assess the effect of pre-immunizing with mycobacterium vaccae on a model of acute stress in mice

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
47amnonsmj: higher in mice immunized with placebo than with M. vaccae ( high in control immunized with vehicle bbs compared to immunized heat killed mycobacterium vaccae in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 9approvedNo
47amnonsmj: higher in bullied immunized mouse ( high in stress: chronic subordinate colony housing compared to no stress: single housed control in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male immunization immunization mycobacterium vaccae c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 13approvedNo
47amnonsmj: higher in bullied, non-immunized mouse ( high in stress: chronic subordinate colony housing compared to no stress: single housed control in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male no immunization: vehicle as control c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 21approvedNo
47amnonsmj: higher in mice immunized with M. vaccae ( high in vaccination immunization heat killed mycobacterium vaccae compared to vehicle bbs in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 24approvedNo
47amnonsmj: lower in bullied immunized mouse ( high in no stress: single housed control compared to stress: chronic subordinate colony housing in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male immunization immunization mycobacterium vaccae c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 28approvedNo
47amnonsmj: lower in non-bullied, non-immunized mouse ( high in no stress: single housed control compared to stress: chronic subordinate colony housing in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus male no immunization: vehicle as control c57bc/6ncrl )2017-01-13v41 / 70approvedNo

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