Experiment ID: 762

Field Description
nameeffect of long‐term organic and mineral fertilization strategies on rhizosphere microbiota assemblage and performance of lettuce
doi https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.14631

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
albic luvisol0.500000
ph 6.40.500000
organic fertilization0.500000
mineral fertilization0.500000
bio-dynamic fertilizer0.500000
ph 6.60.500000
LOWER IN manure fertilization0.500000
LOWER IN organic fertilization0.500000
LOWER IN bio-dynamic fertilizer0.500000
LOWER IN npk fertilization0.500000
LOWER IN mineral fertilization0.500000
manure fertilization0.333333
ph 5.60.333333
npk fertilization0.333333
haplic luvisol0.333333
pot expreiment0.250000
LOWER IN bulk soil0.250000
LOWER IN manured soil0.200000
manured soil0.166667
bulk soil0.142857
LOWER IN rhizosphere0.050000
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
pot expreiment1.000000
haplic luvisol0.600000
bulk soil0.560000
albic luvisol0.480000
npk fertilization0.480000
mineral fertilization0.480000
manured soil0.400000
manure fertilization0.400000
organic fertilization0.400000
ph 6.40.240000
bio-dynamic fertilizer0.200000
LOWER IN manured soil0.120000
LOWER IN manure fertilization0.120000
LOWER IN organic fertilization0.120000
ph 5.60.080000
ph 6.60.080000
LOWER IN rhizosphere0.080000
LOWER IN bio-dynamic fertilizer0.080000
LOWER IN npk fertilization0.080000
LOWER IN mineral fertilization0.080000
LOWER IN bulk soil0.080000
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
manured soil1.000000
bulk soil1.000000
pot expreiment1.000000
manure fertilization1.000000
albic luvisol1.000000
ph 6.41.000000
organic fertilization1.000000
ph 5.61.000000
npk fertilization1.000000
mineral fertilization1.000000
haplic luvisol1.000000
bio-dynamic fertilizer1.000000
ph 6.61.000000
LOWER IN rhizosphere1.000000
LOWER IN manured soil1.000000
LOWER IN manure fertilization1.000000
LOWER IN organic fertilization1.000000
LOWER IN bio-dynamic fertilizer1.000000
LOWER IN npk fertilization1.000000
LOWER IN mineral fertilization1.000000
LOWER IN bulk soil1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
762sheryoDominant in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (dominant soil, manured soil, bulk soil, switzerland, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, lettuce, organic fertilization, haplic luvisol, therwil, bio-dynamic fertilizer, ph 6.6)2021-04-07v31 / 8approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (dominant soil, bulk soil, switzerland, ph 5.6, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, lettuce, mineral fertilization, haplic luvisol, therwil)2021-04-07v31 / 10approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized albic luvisol from Germany (dominant soil, bulk soil, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, albic luvisol, ph 6.4, lettuce, mineral fertilization)2021-04-07v31 / 15approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized albic luvisol from Germany (dominant soil, manured soil, bulk soil, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, albic luvisol, ph 6.4, lettuce, organic fertilization)2021-04-07v31 / 15approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (dominant soil, manured soil, rhizosphere, switzerland, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, lettuce, organic fertilization, haplic luvisol, bio-dynamic fertilizer)2021-04-08v31 / 16approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (dominant soil, rhizosphere, switzerland, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, lettuce, mineral fertilization, haplic luvisol)2021-04-08v31 / 17approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized albic luvisol Germany (dominant soil, rhizosphere, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, albic luvisol, lettuce, mineral fertilization)2021-04-08v31 / 21approvedNo
762sheryoDominant in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized albic luvisol Germany (dominant soil, manured soil, rhizosphere, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, npk fertilization, albic luvisol, lettuce, mineral fertilization, organic fertilization)2021-04-08v31 / 21approvedNo
762sheryoHigher in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized albic luvisol compared to organic fertilized from Germany ( high in npk fertilization mineral fertilization compared to manured soil manure fertilization organic fertilization in soil bulk soil germany thyrow pot expreiment albic luvisol ph 6.4 lettuce )2021-04-07v31 / 38approvedNo
762sheryoHigh in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized compared to organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland ( high in npk fertilization mineral fertilization compared to manured soil manure fertilization organic fertilization bio-dynamic fertilizer in soil rhizosphere switzerland thyrow pot expreiment lettuce haplic luvisol )2021-04-08v31 / 40approvedNo
762sheryoHigh in rhizosphere compared bulk soil to of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in haplic luvisol Switzerland ( high in rhizosphere compared to bulk soil in soil switzerland thyrow pot expreiment lettuce haplic luvisol )2021-04-08v31 / 139approvedNo
762sheryoHigher in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized albic luvisol compared to npk fertilized from Germany ( high in manured soil manure fertilization organic fertilization compared to npk fertilization mineral fertilization in soil bulk soil germany thyrow pot expreiment albic luvisol ph 6.4 lettuce )2021-04-07v31 / 176approvedNo
762sheryoHigh in rhizosphere compared to bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in albic luvisol Germany ( high in rhizosphere compared to bulk soil in soil germany thyrow pot expreiment albic luvisol lettuce haplic luvisol )2021-04-08v31 / 226approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (common soil, rhizosphere, switzerland, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, lettuce, mineral fertilization, haplic luvisol)2021-04-08v31 / 286approvedNo
762sheryoHigher in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized compared to npk fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland ( high in manured soil manure fertilization organic fertilization bio-dynamic fertilizer compared to npk fertilization mineral fertilization in soil bulk soil switzerland pot expreiment lettuce haplic luvisol therwil )2021-04-07v31 / 294approvedNo
762sheryoHigher in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized compared to organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland ( high in npk fertilization mineral fertilization compared to manured soil manure fertilization organic fertilization bio-dynamic fertilizer in soil bulk soil switzerland pot expreiment lettuce haplic luvisol therwil )2021-04-07v31 / 347approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized albic luvisol Germany (common soil, rhizosphere, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, albic luvisol, lettuce, mineral fertilization)2021-04-08v31 / 353approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized albic luvisol Germany (common soil, manured soil, rhizosphere, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, albic luvisol, lettuce, organic fertilization)2021-04-08v31 / 359approvedNo
762sheryocommon in rhizosphere soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (common soil, manured soil, rhizosphere, switzerland, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, lettuce, organic fertilization, haplic luvisol, bio-dynamic fertilizer)2021-04-08v31 / 455approvedNo
762sheryocommin in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilzed albic luvisol from Germany (common soil, bulk soil, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, albic luvisol, ph 6.4, lettuce, mineral fertilization)2021-04-07v31 / 531approvedNo
762sheryoHigh in bulk soil comparedc to rhizosphere of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in haplic luvisol Switzerland ( high in bulk soil compared to rhizosphere in soil switzerland thyrow pot expreiment lettuce haplic luvisol )2021-04-08v31 / 577approvedNo
762sheryoHigh in bulk soil compared to rhizosphere of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in albic luvisol Germany ( high in bulk soil compared to rhizosphere in soil germany thyrow pot expreiment albic luvisol lettuce haplic luvisol )2021-04-08v31 / 578approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (common soil, manured soil, bulk soil, switzerland, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, lettuce, organic fertilization, haplic luvisol, therwil, bio-dynamic fertilizer, ph 6.6)2021-04-07v31 / 602approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in npk fertilized haplic luvisol Switzerland (common soil, bulk soil, switzerland, ph 5.6, pot expreiment, npk fertilization, lettuce, mineral fertilization, haplic luvisol, therwil)2021-04-07v31 / 648approvedNo
762sheryoCommon in bulk soil of a pot experiment with lettuce planted in organic fertilized albic luvisol from Germany (common soil, manured soil, bulk soil, germany, thyrow, pot expreiment, manure fertilization, albic luvisol, ph 6.4, lettuce, organic fertilization)2021-04-07v31 / 704approvedNo

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