Experiment ID: 828

Field Description
namesoil depth determines the composition and diversity of bacterial and archaeal communities in a poplar plantation

Annotations for experiment:

term enrichment score
sihong county0.666667
poplar plantation0.666667
chenwei forest0.666667
clay loam0.500000
depth 30-4cm0.250000
depth 40-50cm0.250000
jiangsu province0.222222
ph 6-70.222222
depth 10-20cm0.222222
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.200000
depth 20-40cm0.133333
LOWER IN depth 20-40cm0.133333
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-10cm0.125000
depth (soil) 0-10cm0.105263
depth (soil) 0-20cm0.062500
Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
sihong county0.500000
poplar plantation0.500000
chenwei forest0.500000
depth 30-4cm0.500000
depth 40-50cm0.500000
clay loam0.333333
depth 10-20cm0.333333
depth 20-40cm0.333333
LOWER IN depth 20-40cm0.333333
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.250000
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-10cm0.250000
jiangsu province0.125000
ph 6-70.125000
depth (soil) 0-10cm0.076923
depth (soil) 0-20cm0.050000
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
jiangsu province1.000000
clay loam1.000000
ph 6-71.000000
sihong county1.000000
poplar plantation1.000000
chenwei forest1.000000
depth 10-20cm0.166667
depth (soil) 0-10cm0.166667
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.166667
depth 30-4cm0.166667
depth 40-50cm0.166667
depth 20-40cm0.083333
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-10cm0.083333
depth (soil) 0-20cm0.083333
LOWER IN depth 20-40cm0.083333
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
jiangsu province1.000000
clay loam1.000000
ph 6-71.000000
sihong county1.000000
depth 10-20cm1.000000
poplar plantation1.000000
chenwei forest1.000000
depth (soil) 0-10cm1.000000
depth (soil) 20-30cm1.000000
depth 30-4cm1.000000
depth 40-50cm1.000000
depth 20-40cm1.000000
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-10cm1.000000
depth (soil) 0-20cm1.000000
LOWER IN depth 20-40cm1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
828sheryoDominant in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 0-10cm depth, sihong, china (dominant soil, jiangsu province, depth (soil) 0-10cm, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 3approvedNo
828sheryoDominant in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 10-20cm depth, sihong, china (dominant soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, depth 10-20cm, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 5approvedNo
828sheryoDominant in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 20-30cm depth, sihong, china (dominant soil, jiangsu province, depth (soil) 20-30cm, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 9approvedNo
828sheryoDominant in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 30-40cm depth, sihong, china (dominant soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest, depth 30-4cm)2021-08-25v41 / 10approvedNo
828sheryoDominant in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 40-50cm depth, sihong, china (dominant soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest, depth 40-50cm)2021-08-25v41 / 10approvedNo
828sheryoHigher at 0-20cm depth compared to 20-40cm depth in gleysol soil of poplar plantation, sihong, china ( high in depth (soil) 0-20cm compared to depth 20-40cm in soil jiangsu province clay loam ph 6-7 gleysol china sihong county poplar poplar plantation chenwei forest )2021-08-25v41 / 312approvedNo
828sheryoHigher at 20-40cm depth compared to 0-20cm depth in gleysol soil of poplar plantation, sihong, china ( high in depth 20-40cm compared to depth (soil) 0-10cm in soil jiangsu province clay loam ph 6-7 gleysol china sihong county poplar poplar plantation chenwei forest )2021-08-25v41 / 321approvedNo
828sheryoCommon in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 40-50cm depth, sihong, china (common soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest, depth 40-50cm)2021-08-25v41 / 790approvedNo
828sheryoCommon in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 30-40cm depth, sihong, china (common soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest, depth 30-4cm)2021-08-25v41 / 844approvedNo
828sheryoCommon in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 20-30cm depth, sihong, china (common soil, jiangsu province, depth (soil) 20-30cm, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 989approvedNo
828sheryoCommon in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 0-10cm depth, sihong, china (common soil, jiangsu province, depth (soil) 0-10cm, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 1069approvedNo
828sheryoCommon in gleysol soil of poplar plantation at 10-20cm depth, sihong, china (common soil, jiangsu province, clay loam, ph 6-7, gleysol, china, sihong county, poplar, depth 10-20cm, poplar plantation, chenwei forest)2021-08-25v41 / 1123approvedNo

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