Experiment ID: 1058

Field Description
namestool energy density is positively correlated to intestinal transit time and related to microbial enterotypes

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
1058amnon high in high diastolic blood pressure compared to low diastolic blood pressure in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk 2023-10-11v31 / 1pendingNo
1058amnon high in intestinal transit time < 24 hr compared to intestinal transit time > 24 hr in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk 2023-10-11v31 / 5pendingNo
1058amnonnegatively correllated with urine phenylacetylglutamine level ( high in low urine phenylacetylglutamine compared to high urine phenylacetylglutamine in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk )2023-10-11v31 / 8pendingNo
1058amnon high in low diastolic blood pressure compared to high diastolic blood pressure in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk 2023-10-11v31 / 11pendingNo
1058amnonnegatively correlated with urine p-cresol sulfate level ( high in low urine p-cresol sulfate compared to high urine p-cresol sulfate in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk )2023-10-11v31 / 12pendingNo
1058amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, adult, kingdom of denmark, human adult stage, increased metabolic risk2023-10-11v31 / 18pendingNo
1058amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, adult, kingdom of denmark, human adult stage, increased metabolic risk2023-10-11v31 / 72pendingNo
1058amnonpositively correlated with urine phenylacetylglutamine level ( high in high urine phenylacetylglutamine compared to low urine phenylacetylglutamine in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk )2023-10-11v31 / 84pendingNo
1058amnonpositively correlated with urine p-cresol sulfate level ( high in high urine p-cresol sulfate compared to low urine p-cresol sulfate in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk )2023-10-11v31 / 91pendingNo
1058amnon high in intestinal transit time > 24 hr compared to intestinal transit time < 24 hr in feces homo sapiens adult kingdom of denmark human adult stage increased metabolic risk 2023-10-11v31 / 115pendingNo

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