Experiment ID: 1083

Field Description
namea modified mediterranean-style diet enhances brain function via specific gut-microbiome-brain mechanisms

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
wt strain0.500000
LOWER IN app/ps1 strain0.500000
mediterranean ketogenic diet0.500000
app/ps1 strain0.500000
LOWER IN wt strain0.500000
LOWER IN mediterranean ketogenic diet0.500000
LOWER IN western diet0.250000
western diet0.250000
jackson laboratories0.125000
LOWER IN high fat diet0.071429
mouse chow0.066667
high fat diet0.066667
LOWER IN mouse chow0.058824
state of florida0.052632
mus musculus0.013699
research facility0.005263
united states of america0.003356
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
united states of america1.000000
research facility1.000000
mus musculus1.000000
state of florida1.000000
jackson laboratories1.000000
high fat diet0.583333
mouse chow0.416667
wt strain0.416667
app/ps1 strain0.250000
mediterranean ketogenic diet0.166667
LOWER IN western diet0.166667
western diet0.166667
LOWER IN mediterranean ketogenic diet0.166667
LOWER IN high fat diet0.083333
LOWER IN app/ps1 strain0.083333
LOWER IN mouse chow0.083333
LOWER IN wt strain0.083333
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
mouse chow1.000000
LOWER IN high fat diet1.000000
united states of america1.000000
research facility1.000000
mus musculus1.000000
state of florida1.000000
jackson laboratories1.000000
wt strain1.000000
high fat diet1.000000
LOWER IN app/ps1 strain1.000000
mediterranean ketogenic diet1.000000
LOWER IN western diet1.000000
LOWER IN mouse chow1.000000
app/ps1 strain1.000000
LOWER IN wt strain1.000000
western diet1.000000
LOWER IN mediterranean ketogenic diet1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
1083amnon high in western diet compared to mediterranean ketogenic diet in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j high fat diet state of florida mouse jackson laboratories app/ps1 strain 2024-03-15v41 / 8pendingNo
1083amnondominant feces, united states of america, research facility, mus musculus, c57bl/6j, high fat diet, state of florida, mouse, jackson laboratories, wt strain2024-03-15v41 / 13pendingNo
1083amnondominant feces, united states of america, research facility, mus musculus, c57bl/6j, state of florida, mouse, mouse chow, jackson laboratories, wt strain2024-03-15v41 / 17pendingNo
1083amnon high in western diet compared to mediterranean ketogenic diet in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j high fat diet state of florida mouse jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 21pendingNo
1083amnon high in app/ps1 strain compared to wt strain in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j state of florida mouse mouse chow jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 24pendingNo
1083amnon high in mediterranean ketogenic diet compared to western diet in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j high fat diet state of florida mouse jackson laboratories app/ps1 strain 2024-03-15v41 / 27pendingNo
1083amnon high in high fat diet compared to mouse chow in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j state of florida mouse jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 69pendingNo
1083amnon high in mediterranean ketogenic diet compared to western diet in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j high fat diet state of florida mouse jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 80pendingNo
1083amnon high in wt strain compared to app/ps1 strain in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j state of florida mouse mouse chow jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 83pendingNo
1083amnoncommon feces, united states of america, research facility, mus musculus, c57bl/6j, high fat diet, state of florida, mouse, jackson laboratories, wt strain2024-03-15v41 / 97pendingNo
1083amnoncommon feces, united states of america, research facility, mus musculus, c57bl/6j, state of florida, mouse, mouse chow, jackson laboratories, wt strain2024-03-15v41 / 226pendingNo
1083amnon high in mouse chow compared to high fat diet in feces united states of america research facility mus musculus c57bl/6j state of florida mouse jackson laboratories 2024-03-15v41 / 288pendingNo

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