Experiment ID: 1105

Field Description
namehost and environmental factors shape upper airway microbiota and respiratory health across the human lifespan

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
1105amnonhuman mitochondria (other homo sapiens, mitochondrion)2024-10-23v41 / 1pendingNo
1105amnon high in 2-5 year-old child stage compared to 6-12 year-old child stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx child kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 7pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 2-5 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 11pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 6-12 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 11pendingNo
1105amnon high in 6-12 year-old child stage compared to adolescent stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 11pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 1-year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 12pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, adolescent stage2024-10-23v41 / 13pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human middle aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 14pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 15pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, 25-44 year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 16pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, nasopharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, young adult stage2024-10-23v41 / 17pendingNo
1105amnon high in human aged stage compared to human middle aged stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx adult kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 17pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 18pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, saliva, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 1-year-old human stage2024-10-22v41 / 18pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, saliva, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 2-5 year-old child stage2024-10-22v41 / 18pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, 25-44 year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 19pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 2-5 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 19pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, saliva, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 6-12 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 20pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human middle aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 20pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, oropharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, young adult stage2024-10-23v41 / 21pendingNo
1105amnondominant homo sapiens, oropharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, adolescent stage, 13-year-old human stage, 14-year-old human stage, 15-year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 22pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 1-year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 23pendingNo
1105amnon high in female compared to male in homo sapiens nasopharynx adult kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-24v41 / 29pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 6-12 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 29pendingNo
1105amnon high in adolescent stage compared to young adult stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 31pendingNo
1105amnon high in infant 1-year-old human stage compared to child 2-5 year-old child stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 32pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, saliva, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 1-year-old human stage2024-10-22v41 / 34pendingNo
1105amnon high in infant 1-year-old human stage compared to child 2-5 year-old child stage in homo sapiens saliva kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 35pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 44pendingNo
1105amnon high in human middle aged stage compared to human aged stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx adult kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 44pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 46pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, adolescent stage2024-10-23v41 / 46pendingNo
1105amnon high in young adult stage compared to adolescent stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 47pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, young adult stage2024-10-23v41 / 49pendingNo
1105amnon high in male compared to female in homo sapiens nasopharynx adult kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 49pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human middle aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 50pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, nasopharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, 25-44 year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 52pendingNo
1105amnon high in adolescent stage compared to young adult stage in homo sapiens oropharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 53pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, human middle aged stage2024-10-23v41 / 56pendingNo
1105amnon high in young adult stage compared to adolescent stage in homo sapiens oropharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 56pendingNo
1105amnon high in 2-5 year-old child stage compared to 6-12 year-old child stage in homo sapiens saliva child kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 57pendingNo
1105amnon high in adolescent stage compared to 6-12 year-old child stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 58pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, oropharynx, adult, kingdom of the netherlands, 25-44 year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 60pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, oropharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, young adult stage2024-10-23v41 / 61pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, saliva, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 2-5 year-old child stage2024-10-22v41 / 63pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, saliva, child, kingdom of the netherlands, 6-12 year-old child stage2024-10-23v41 / 65pendingNo
1105amnoncommon homo sapiens, oropharynx, kingdom of the netherlands, adolescent stage, 13-year-old human stage, 14-year-old human stage, 15-year-old human stage2024-10-23v41 / 69pendingNo
1105amnon high in 6-12 year-old child stage compared to 2-5 year-old child stage in homo sapiens saliva child kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 89pendingNo
1105amnon high in human late adulthood stage compared to human early adulthood stage in homo sapiens oropharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 89pendingNo
1105amnon high in 6-12 year-old child stage compared to 2-5 year-old child stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx child kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 197pendingNo
1105amnon high in human early adulthood stage compared to human late adulthood stage in homo sapiens oropharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 212pendingNo
1105amnon high in child 2-5 year-old child stage compared to infant 1-year-old human stage in homo sapiens nasopharynx kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 230pendingNo
1105amnon high in child 2-5 year-old child stage compared to infant 1-year-old human stage in homo sapiens saliva kingdom of the netherlands 2024-10-23v41 / 294pendingNo

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