Field | Description |
name | human biopsies pilot |
datamd5 | 5ba1cd6a9f6bdcd6fc74ab50945252a3 |
mapmd5 | ed255220f58942881ba4ec295b7ee910 |
Term | Score |
united states of america | 0.006689 |
homo sapiens | 0.005420 |
feces | 0.004695 |
Term | Score |
united states of america | 0.003356 |
homo sapiens | 0.002717 |
feces | 0.002353 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
united states of america | 1.000000 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
united states of america | 1.000000 |
Exp. ID | User ID | Description | Date | Region | Sequences | Status | Flag |
23 | amnon | human DNA (other feces, homo sapiens, united states of america) | 2016-11-29 | v4 | 1 / 1 | approved | No |
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