Experiment ID: 280

Field Description
namethe gorgonian coral eunicella labiata hosts a distinct prokaryotic consortium amenable to cultivation

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
LOWER IN coral reef0.500000
LOWER IN eunicella labiata0.500000
LOWER IN gorgonian coral0.500000
LOWER IN coral0.500000
eunicella labiata0.500000
gorgonian coral0.500000
LOWER IN marine water body0.500000
marine water body0.333333
portuguese republic0.333333
depth (water) 20m0.250000
coral reef0.250000
LOWER IN saline water0.200000
atlantic ocean0.083333
saline water0.076923
LOWER IN sea water0.071429
sea water0.023256
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
atlantic ocean1.000000
portuguese republic1.000000
depth (water) 20m1.000000
marine water body0.500000
saline water0.500000
sea water0.500000
coral reef0.500000
eunicella labiata0.500000
gorgonian coral0.500000
LOWER IN coral reef0.166667
LOWER IN eunicella labiata0.166667
LOWER IN gorgonian coral0.166667
LOWER IN coral0.166667
LOWER IN marine water body0.166667
LOWER IN saline water0.166667
LOWER IN sea water0.166667
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
marine water body1.000000
saline water1.000000
sea water1.000000
atlantic ocean1.000000
portuguese republic1.000000
depth (water) 20m1.000000
LOWER IN coral reef1.000000
LOWER IN eunicella labiata1.000000
LOWER IN gorgonian coral1.000000
LOWER IN coral1.000000
coral reef1.000000
eunicella labiata1.000000
gorgonian coral1.000000
LOWER IN marine water body1.000000
LOWER IN saline water1.000000
LOWER IN sea water1.000000

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