Experiment ID: 347

Field Description
namedisentangling the complexity of permafrost soil by using high resolution profiling of microbial community composition, key functions and respiration rates

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
LOWER IN depth 100-150cm0.500000
LOWER IN depth 150-200cm0.500000
svalbard archipelago0.500000
LOWER IN permafrost transition layer0.500000
permafrost transition layer0.500000
LOWER IN depth (soil) 20-30cm0.500000
permafrost active layer0.500000
depth 100-150cm0.500000
depth 150-200cm0.500000
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.250000
kingdom of norway0.125000
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-20cm0.125000
depth (soil) 0-20cm0.050000
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
kingdom of norway1.000000
svalbard archipelago1.000000
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.333333
depth (soil) 0-20cm0.250000
depth 100-150cm0.250000
depth 150-200cm0.250000
LOWER IN depth (soil) 20-30cm0.166667
permafrost active layer0.166667
LOWER IN depth 100-150cm0.083333
LOWER IN depth 150-200cm0.083333
LOWER IN permafrost transition layer0.083333
LOWER IN depth (soil) 0-20cm0.083333
permafrost transition layer0.083333
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
347amnondominant permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth 100-150cm2018-07-15v41 / 6approvedNo
347amnondominant permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth 150-200cm2018-07-15v41 / 6approvedNo
347amnondominant permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth (soil) 20-30cm2018-07-15v41 / 10approvedNo
347amnondominant permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, permafrost active layer, depth (soil) 0-20cm2018-07-15v41 / 11approvedNo
347amnoncommon permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth 150-200cm2018-07-15v41 / 126approvedNo
347amnoncommon permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth 100-150cm2018-07-15v41 / 173approvedNo
347amnon high in depth 100-150cm depth 150-200cm compared to depth (soil) 20-30cm in permafrost soil kingdom of norway svalbard archipelago 2018-07-15v41 / 221approvedNo
347amnoncommon permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, permafrost active layer, depth (soil) 0-20cm2018-07-15v41 / 405approvedNo
347amnon high in permafrost transition layer depth (soil) 0-20cm compared to depth (soil) 20-30cm in permafrost soil kingdom of norway svalbard archipelago 2018-07-15v41 / 477approvedNo
347amnoncommon permafrost, soil, kingdom of norway, svalbard archipelago, depth (soil) 20-30cm2018-07-15v41 / 698approvedNo
347amnon high in depth (soil) 20-30cm compared to permafrost transition layer depth (soil) 0-20cm in permafrost soil kingdom of norway svalbard archipelago 2018-07-15v41 / 788approvedNo
347amnon high in depth (soil) 20-30cm compared to depth 100-150cm depth 150-200cm in permafrost soil kingdom of norway svalbard archipelago 2018-07-15v41 / 1080approvedNo

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