![]() |
Field | Description |
name | gut microbiota is associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disease in a population in the midst of westernization |
qiita | 11993 |
datamd5 | 5203632c5d1116d9bed12824ef3de304 |
mapmd5 | e6da38d7e8edd3c825b08f947d63810f |
Term | Score |
colombia | 0.279070 |
columbia | 0.200000 |
bogota | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN municipality of santiago de cali | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN bucaramanga | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN barranquilla | 0.125000 |
municipality of santiago de cali | 0.125000 |
bucaramanga | 0.125000 |
barranquilla | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN bogota | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN medellin metropolitan area | 0.125000 |
low fiber | 0.125000 |
high filber | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN low fiber | 0.125000 |
high hdl | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN low hdl | 0.125000 |
low hdl | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN high hdl | 0.125000 |
medellin metropolitan area | 0.117647 |
lean body mass | 0.117647 |
LOWER IN plant fiber cell | 0.117647 |
hard stool | 0.117647 |
LOWER IN normal stool | 0.117647 |
plant fiber cell | 0.117647 |
normal stool | 0.117647 |
LOWER IN hard stool | 0.117647 |
LOWER IN lean body mass | 0.117647 |
LOWER IN high fiber | 0.100000 |
low bmi | 0.086957 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.086957 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.083333 |
city | 0.080000 |
high bmi | 0.071429 |
obesity | 0.068966 |
LOWER IN male | 0.050000 |
LOWER IN female | 0.046512 |
male | 0.031250 |
female | 0.021505 |
adult | 0.008264 |
homo sapiens | 0.005277 |
feces | 0.004598 |
Term | Score |
bogota | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN municipality of santiago de cali | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN bucaramanga | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN barranquilla | 0.500000 |
municipality of santiago de cali | 0.500000 |
bucaramanga | 0.500000 |
barranquilla | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN bogota | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN medellin metropolitan area | 0.500000 |
low fiber | 0.500000 |
high filber | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN low fiber | 0.500000 |
high hdl | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN low hdl | 0.500000 |
low hdl | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN high hdl | 0.500000 |
medellin metropolitan area | 0.333333 |
lean body mass | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN plant fiber cell | 0.333333 |
hard stool | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN normal stool | 0.333333 |
columbia | 0.333333 |
plant fiber cell | 0.333333 |
normal stool | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN hard stool | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN lean body mass | 0.333333 |
colombia | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN high fiber | 0.166667 |
low bmi | 0.111111 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.111111 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.100000 |
high bmi | 0.071429 |
obesity | 0.066667 |
city | 0.041667 |
LOWER IN male | 0.038462 |
LOWER IN female | 0.034483 |
male | 0.020000 |
female | 0.012658 |
adult | 0.004149 |
homo sapiens | 0.002646 |
feces | 0.002304 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
city | 1.000000 |
adult | 1.000000 |
colombia | 0.857143 |
columbia | 0.142857 |
bogota | 0.071429 |
medellin metropolitan area | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN municipality of santiago de cali | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN bucaramanga | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN barranquilla | 0.071429 |
female | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN male | 0.071429 |
lean body mass | 0.071429 |
low bmi | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.071429 |
municipality of santiago de cali | 0.071429 |
bucaramanga | 0.071429 |
barranquilla | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN bogota | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN medellin metropolitan area | 0.071429 |
low fiber | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN high fiber | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN plant fiber cell | 0.071429 |
hard stool | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN normal stool | 0.071429 |
plant fiber cell | 0.071429 |
high filber | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN low fiber | 0.071429 |
normal stool | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN hard stool | 0.071429 |
high hdl | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN low hdl | 0.071429 |
high bmi | 0.071429 |
obesity | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN lean body mass | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.071429 |
male | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN female | 0.071429 |
low hdl | 0.071429 |
LOWER IN high hdl | 0.071429 |
Term | Score |
bogota | 1.000000 |
medellin metropolitan area | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN municipality of santiago de cali | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN bucaramanga | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN barranquilla | 1.000000 |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
city | 1.000000 |
adult | 1.000000 |
colombia | 1.000000 |
female | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN male | 1.000000 |
lean body mass | 1.000000 |
low bmi | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 1.000000 |
municipality of santiago de cali | 1.000000 |
bucaramanga | 1.000000 |
barranquilla | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN bogota | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN medellin metropolitan area | 1.000000 |
low fiber | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN high fiber | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN plant fiber cell | 1.000000 |
hard stool | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN normal stool | 1.000000 |
columbia | 1.000000 |
plant fiber cell | 1.000000 |
high filber | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN low fiber | 1.000000 |
normal stool | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN hard stool | 1.000000 |
high hdl | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN low hdl | 1.000000 |
high bmi | 1.000000 |
obesity | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN lean body mass | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 1.000000 |
male | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN female | 1.000000 |
low hdl | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN high hdl | 1.000000 |
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