Field | Description |
name | exploration of the fecal microbiota and biomarker discovery in equine grass sickness |
sra | prjeb11642 |
datamd5 | b7d6b10c6ed72a8b862e62fa1db6c553 |
mapmd5 | bb08f8f954ce15c204b2c2a3fde91fb6 |
Term | Score |
equine grass sickness | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN equine grass sickness | 0.250000 |
disease | 0.200000 |
horse | 0.181818 |
equus caballus | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN disease | 0.166667 |
united kingdom | 0.125000 |
farm | 0.045455 |
LOWER IN control | 0.009174 |
control | 0.009132 |
feces | 0.004695 |
Term | Score |
LOWER IN equine grass sickness | 0.500000 |
equine grass sickness | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN disease | 0.166667 |
disease | 0.125000 |
horse | 0.100000 |
equus caballus | 0.090909 |
united kingdom | 0.066667 |
farm | 0.023256 |
LOWER IN control | 0.004717 |
control | 0.004608 |
feces | 0.002353 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
farm | 1.000000 |
equus caballus | 1.000000 |
horse | 1.000000 |
united kingdom | 1.000000 |
control | 0.500000 |
equine grass sickness | 0.500000 |
disease | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN equine grass sickness | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN disease | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN control | 0.166667 |
Term | Score |
control | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN equine grass sickness | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN disease | 1.000000 |
feces | 1.000000 |
farm | 1.000000 |
equus caballus | 1.000000 |
horse | 1.000000 |
united kingdom | 1.000000 |
equine grass sickness | 1.000000 |
disease | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN control | 1.000000 |
Exp. ID | User ID | Description | Date | Region | Sequences | Status | Flag |
448 | amnon | high freq. in healthy horse feces (dominant feces, control, farm, equus caballus, horse, united kingdom) | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 5 | approved | No |
448 | amnon | dominant feces, farm, equus caballus, horse, equine grass sickness, disease, united kingdom | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 16 | approved | No |
448 | amnon | common feces, farm, equus caballus, horse, equine grass sickness, disease, united kingdom | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 65 | approved | No |
448 | amnon | high in equine grass sickness disease compared to control in feces farm equus caballus horse united kingdom | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 72 | approved | No |
448 | amnon | common in healthy horse feces (common feces, control, farm, equus caballus, horse, united kingdom) | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 508 | approved | No |
448 | amnon | high in control compared to equine grass sickness disease in feces farm equus caballus horse united kingdom | 2019-01-08 | v4 | 1 / 1084 | approved | No |
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