Experiment ID: 676

Field Description
namecharacterization of the marine aquaculture microbiome: a seasonal survey in a seabass farm

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
LOWER IN saline water biofilm0.500000
english channel coastal waters of france0.500000
saline water biofilm0.500000
LOWER IN water inlet0.500000
hot water inlet0.500000
LOWER IN cold water inlet0.500000
water inlet0.500000
cold water inlet0.500000
LOWER IN hot water inlet0.500000
LOWER IN saline water0.200000
fish farm0.166667
LOWER IN biofilm0.125000
LOWER IN autumn season0.111111
LOWER IN spring season0.090909
saline water0.076923
LOWER IN sea water0.071429
autumn season0.071429
spring season0.071429
french republic0.066667
LOWER IN summer season0.035714
sea water0.023256
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
french republic1.000000
english channel coastal waters of france1.000000
saline water0.785714
sea water0.785714
fish farm0.571429
water inlet0.428571
saline water biofilm0.214286
LOWER IN biofilm0.142857
LOWER IN water inlet0.142857
LOWER IN summer season0.142857
LOWER IN saline water biofilm0.071429
LOWER IN saline water0.071429
LOWER IN sea water0.071429
hot water inlet0.071429
LOWER IN cold water inlet0.071429
cold water inlet0.071429
LOWER IN hot water inlet0.071429
autumn season0.071429
LOWER IN spring season0.071429
spring season0.071429
LOWER IN autumn season0.071429
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
saline water1.000000
sea water1.000000
LOWER IN biofilm1.000000
LOWER IN saline water biofilm1.000000
fish farm1.000000
french republic1.000000
english channel coastal waters of france1.000000
saline water biofilm1.000000
LOWER IN saline water1.000000
LOWER IN sea water1.000000
LOWER IN water inlet1.000000
hot water inlet1.000000
LOWER IN cold water inlet1.000000
water inlet1.000000
cold water inlet1.000000
LOWER IN hot water inlet1.000000
autumn season1.000000
LOWER IN summer season1.000000
LOWER IN spring season1.000000
spring season1.000000
LOWER IN autumn season1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
676amnondominant fish farm, biofilm, aquarium, french republic, biofilm, english channel coastal waters of france, saline water biofilm2028-02-27v41 / 6approvedNo
676amnondominant saline water, sea water, french republic, english channel coastal waters of france, water inlet2028-02-27v41 / 12approvedNo
676amnondominant fish farm, saline water, sea water, aquarium, french republic, english channel coastal waters of france2028-02-27v41 / 14approvedNo
676amnon high in spring season compared to summer season autumn season in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france water inlet 2028-02-27v41 / 94approvedNo
676amnon high in autumn season compared to summer season spring season in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france water inlet 2028-02-27v41 / 102approvedNo
676amnoncommon saline water, sea water, french republic, english channel coastal waters of france, water inlet2028-02-27v41 / 390approvedNo
676amnon high in cold water inlet compared to hot water inlet in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france water inlet 2028-02-27v41 / 399approvedNo
676amnoncommon fish farm, saline water, sea water, aquarium, french republic, english channel coastal waters of france2028-02-27v41 / 465approvedNo
676amnon high in hot water inlet compared to cold water inlet in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france water inlet 2028-02-27v41 / 551approvedNo
676amnoncommon fish farm, biofilm, aquarium, french republic, biofilm, english channel coastal waters of france, saline water biofilm2028-02-27v41 / 567approvedNo
676amnon high in fish farm aquarium compared to water inlet in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france 2028-02-27v41 / 3012approvedNo
676amnon high in fish farm aquarium compared to water inlet in saline water sea water french republic english channel coastal waters of france 2028-02-27v41 / 3729approvedNo
676amnon high in biofilm biofilm saline water biofilm compared to saline water sea water in fish farm aquarium french republic english channel coastal waters of france 2028-02-27v41 / 3904approvedNo
676amnon high in saline water sea water compared to biofilm biofilm saline water biofilm in fish farm aquarium french republic english channel coastal waters of france 2028-02-27v41 / 4350approvedNo

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