![]() |
Field | Description |
name | microbiome variability across the native and invasive range of the ascidian clavelina oblonga |
sra | srp199333 |
sra | prjna544485 |
doi | doi:10.1128/aem.02233-20 |
datamd5 | 5653521aca333da314291b5f721d7989 |
mapmd5 | 4edffff30aade11924df4011b5d25952 |
Term | Score |
harbor | 0.571429 |
clavelina oblonga | 0.571429 |
inner tunic | 0.571429 |
sea squirts | 0.444444 |
state of south carolina | 0.400000 |
florida | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN mediterranean sea | 0.250000 |
LOWER IN italy | 0.250000 |
LOWER IN brazil | 0.250000 |
LOWER IN kingdom of spain | 0.222222 |
LOWER IN atlantic ocean | 0.222222 |
state of north carolina | 0.166667 |
mediterranean sea | 0.166667 |
atlantic ocean | 0.142857 |
saline water | 0.125000 |
LOWER IN united states of america | 0.111111 |
brazil | 0.064516 |
kingdom of spain | 0.064516 |
italy | 0.052632 |
sea water | 0.043478 |
united states of america | 0.006667 |
Term | Score |
LOWER IN mediterranean sea | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN italy | 0.500000 |
harbor | 0.500000 |
clavelina oblonga | 0.500000 |
inner tunic | 0.500000 |
state of south carolina | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN brazil | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN kingdom of spain | 0.333333 |
sea squirts | 0.333333 |
florida | 0.333333 |
LOWER IN atlantic ocean | 0.333333 |
mediterranean sea | 0.166667 |
state of north carolina | 0.111111 |
atlantic ocean | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN united states of america | 0.083333 |
saline water | 0.076923 |
brazil | 0.040000 |
kingdom of spain | 0.040000 |
italy | 0.031250 |
sea water | 0.023256 |
united states of america | 0.003356 |
Term | Score |
harbor | 0.666667 |
clavelina oblonga | 0.666667 |
sea squirts | 0.666667 |
inner tunic | 0.666667 |
united states of america | 0.500000 |
atlantic ocean | 0.500000 |
saline water | 0.333333 |
sea water | 0.333333 |
state of north carolina | 0.333333 |
state of south carolina | 0.333333 |
florida | 0.333333 |
brazil | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN kingdom of spain | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN mediterranean sea | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN italy | 0.166667 |
kingdom of spain | 0.166667 |
mediterranean sea | 0.166667 |
italy | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN united states of america | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN atlantic ocean | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN brazil | 0.166667 |
Term | Score |
united states of america | 1.000000 |
atlantic ocean | 1.000000 |
brazil | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN kingdom of spain | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN mediterranean sea | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN italy | 1.000000 |
harbor | 1.000000 |
clavelina oblonga | 1.000000 |
sea squirts | 1.000000 |
inner tunic | 1.000000 |
saline water | 1.000000 |
sea water | 1.000000 |
state of north carolina | 1.000000 |
state of south carolina | 1.000000 |
florida | 1.000000 |
kingdom of spain | 1.000000 |
mediterranean sea | 1.000000 |
italy | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN united states of america | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN atlantic ocean | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN brazil | 1.000000 |
Exp. ID | User ID | Description | Date | Region | Sequences | Status | Flag |
699 | amnon | dominant united states of america, saline water, sea water, atlantic ocean, state of north carolina, florida, state of south carolina | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 12 | approved | No |
699 | amnon | dominant harbor, clavelina oblonga, sea squirts, inner tunic | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 13 | approved | No |
699 | amnon | common harbor, clavelina oblonga, sea squirts, inner tunic | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 123 | approved | No |
699 | amnon | high in kingdom of spain mediterranean sea italy compared to united states of america atlantic ocean brazil in harbor clavelina oblonga sea squirts inner tunic | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 216 | approved | No |
699 | amnon | common united states of america, saline water, sea water, atlantic ocean, state of north carolina, state of south carolina, florida | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 254 | approved | No |
699 | amnon | high in united states of america atlantic ocean brazil compared to kingdom of spain mediterranean sea italy in harbor clavelina oblonga sea squirts inner tunic | 2028-04-01 | v4 | 1 / 317 | approved | No |
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