![]() |
Field | Description |
name | exclusive enteral nutrition mediates gut microbial and metabolic changes that are associated with remission in children with crohn’s disease |
sra | prjeb14084 |
doi | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-75306-z |
datamd5 | b5e94b56ac52866384ddcdd7a567c755 |
mapmd5 | b28b5363d561227860183387a15d9d7c |
Term | Score |
amsterdam | 0.333333 |
kingdom of the netherlands | 0.181818 |
crohn's disease | 0.080000 |
LOWER IN crohn's disease | 0.076923 |
child | 0.032787 |
LOWER IN control | 0.008969 |
control | 0.008929 |
homo sapiens | 0.005263 |
feces | 0.004587 |
Term | Score |
amsterdam | 0.200000 |
kingdom of the netherlands | 0.100000 |
LOWER IN crohn's disease | 0.050000 |
crohn's disease | 0.043478 |
child | 0.016667 |
LOWER IN control | 0.004608 |
control | 0.004505 |
homo sapiens | 0.002639 |
feces | 0.002299 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
child | 1.000000 |
kingdom of the netherlands | 1.000000 |
amsterdam | 1.000000 |
control | 0.500000 |
crohn's disease | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN crohn's disease | 0.166667 |
LOWER IN control | 0.166667 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
control | 1.000000 |
child | 1.000000 |
kingdom of the netherlands | 1.000000 |
amsterdam | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN crohn's disease | 1.000000 |
crohn's disease | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN control | 1.000000 |
Exp. ID | User ID | Description | Date | Region | Sequences | Status | Flag |
730 | amnon | high in crohn's disease compared to control in feces homo sapiens child kingdom of the netherlands amsterdam | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 7 | approved | No |
730 | amnon | dominant feces, homo sapiens, control, child, kingdom of the netherlands, amsterdam | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 17 | approved | No |
730 | amnon | dominant feces, homo sapiens, child, kingdom of the netherlands, amsterdam, crohn's disease | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 20 | approved | No |
730 | amnon | common feces, homo sapiens, child, kingdom of the netherlands, amsterdam, crohn's disease | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 51 | approved | No |
730 | amnon | high in control compared to crohn's disease in feces homo sapiens child kingdom of the netherlands amsterdam | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 52 | approved | No |
730 | amnon | common feces, homo sapiens, control, child, kingdom of the netherlands, amsterdam | 2021-01-05 | v1 | 1 / 97 | approved | No |
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