Experiment ID: 733

Field Description
namespatial heterogeneity and hydrological fluctuations drive bacterioplankton community composition in an amazon floodplain system

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
river amazon0.500000
lago grande do curuai0.500000
aquatic/terrestrial transition zone0.500000
LOWER IN aquatic/terrestrial transition zone0.500000
LOWER IN filtered 0.2um0.333333
LOWER IN filtered 2.7um0.333333
LOWER IN particle bound0.333333
depth (water) 1m0.250000
filtered 2.7um0.250000
particle bound0.250000
lake water0.250000
LOWER IN lake0.250000
LOWER IN free floating0.200000
free floating0.166667
filtered 0.2um0.166667
fresh water0.043478
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
fresh water1.000000
depth (water) 1m1.000000
lake water1.000000
river amazon1.000000
lago grande do curuai1.000000
filtered 2.7um0.625000
particle bound0.625000
free floating0.375000
filtered 0.2um0.375000
LOWER IN free floating0.125000
LOWER IN filtered 0.2um0.125000
LOWER IN filtered 2.7um0.125000
LOWER IN particle bound0.125000
aquatic/terrestrial transition zone0.125000
LOWER IN lake0.125000
LOWER IN aquatic/terrestrial transition zone0.125000
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
fresh water1.000000
depth (water) 1m1.000000
filtered 2.7um1.000000
particle bound1.000000
lake water1.000000
river amazon1.000000
lago grande do curuai1.000000
free floating1.000000
filtered 0.2um1.000000
LOWER IN free floating1.000000
LOWER IN filtered 0.2um1.000000
LOWER IN filtered 2.7um1.000000
LOWER IN particle bound1.000000
aquatic/terrestrial transition zone1.000000
LOWER IN lake1.000000
LOWER IN aquatic/terrestrial transition zone1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
733amnon high in lake compared to aquatic/terrestrial transition zone in water fresh water brazil depth (water) 1m filtered 2.7um particle bound lake water river amazon lago grande do curuai 2021-01-17v31 / 4approvedNo
733amnon high in aquatic/terrestrial transition zone compared to lake in water fresh water brazil depth (water) 1m filtered 2.7um particle bound lake water river amazon lago grande do curuai 2021-01-17v31 / 8approvedNo
733amnondominant water, fresh water, brazil, depth (water) 1m, filtered 2.7um, particle bound, lake water, river amazon, lago grande do curuai2021-01-17v31 / 17approvedNo
733amnondominant water, fresh water, brazil, free floating, depth (water) 1m, filtered 0.2um, lake water, river amazon, lago grande do curuai2021-01-17v31 / 21approvedNo
733amnon high in free floating filtered 0.2um compared to filtered 2.7um particle bound in water fresh water brazil depth (water) 1m lake water river amazon lago grande do curuai 2021-01-17v31 / 46approvedNo
733amnon high in filtered 2.7um particle bound compared to free floating filtered 0.2um in water fresh water brazil depth (water) 1m lake water river amazon lago grande do curuai 2021-01-17v31 / 82approvedNo
733amnoncommon water, fresh water, brazil, free floating, depth (water) 1m, filtered 0.2um, lake water, river amazon, lago grande do curuai2021-01-17v31 / 210approvedNo
733amnoncommon water, fresh water, brazil, depth (water) 1m, filtered 2.7um, particle bound, lake water, river amazon, lago grande do curuai2021-01-17v31 / 235approvedNo

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