Experiment ID: 79

Field Description
namemarine mammal skin microbiomes

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
balaenoptera physalus0.500000
fin whale0.500000
balaenoptera borealis0.500000
sei whale0.500000
harbor seal0.500000
phoca vitulina0.500000
globicephala macrorhynchus0.500000
short finned pilot whale0.500000
peponocephala electra0.500000
lagenorhynchus acutus0.500000
stenella attenuata0.500000
steno bredanensis0.500000
rough-toothed dolphin0.500000
stenella longirostris0.500000
spinner dolphin0.500000
phocoena phocoena0.500000
harbor porpoise0.500000
physeter catodon0.500000
balaenoptera acutorostrata0.500000
minke whale0.500000
delphinus delphis0.333333
bottlenosed dolphin0.333333
tursiops truncatus0.250000
united states of america0.003356
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
united states of america1.000000
delphinus delphis0.071429
balaenoptera physalus0.071429
fin whale0.071429
balaenoptera borealis0.071429
sei whale0.071429
harbor seal0.071429
phoca vitulina0.071429
globicephala macrorhynchus0.071429
short finned pilot whale0.071429
peponocephala electra0.071429
lagenorhynchus acutus0.071429
stenella attenuata0.071429
steno bredanensis0.071429
rough-toothed dolphin0.071429
stenella longirostris0.071429
spinner dolphin0.071429
phocoena phocoena0.071429
harbor porpoise0.071429
physeter catodon0.071429
balaenoptera acutorostrata0.071429
minke whale0.071429
tursiops truncatus0.071429
bottlenosed dolphin0.071429
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
united states of america1.000000
delphinus delphis1.000000
balaenoptera physalus1.000000
fin whale1.000000
balaenoptera borealis1.000000
sei whale1.000000
harbor seal1.000000
phoca vitulina1.000000
globicephala macrorhynchus1.000000
short finned pilot whale1.000000
peponocephala electra1.000000
lagenorhynchus acutus1.000000
stenella attenuata1.000000
steno bredanensis1.000000
rough-toothed dolphin1.000000
stenella longirostris1.000000
spinner dolphin1.000000
phocoena phocoena1.000000
harbor porpoise1.000000
physeter catodon1.000000
balaenoptera acutorostrata1.000000
minke whale1.000000
tursiops truncatus1.000000
bottlenosed dolphin1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, steno bredanensis, rough-toothed dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 4approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, peponocephala electra2017-03-03v41 / 5approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, globicephala macrorhynchus, short finned pilot whale2017-03-03v41 / 7approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, harbor seal, phoca vitulina2017-03-03v41 / 10approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, balaenoptera acutorostrata, minke whale2017-03-03v41 / 10approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, tursiops truncatus, bottlenosed dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 10approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, phocoena phocoena, harbor porpoise2017-03-03v41 / 10approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, stenella longirostris, spinner dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 14approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, balaenoptera physalus, fin whale2017-03-03v41 / 15approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, tursiops truncatus, bottlenosed dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 15approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, stenella attenuata2017-03-03v41 / 16approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, lagenorhynchus acutus2017-03-03v41 / 18approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, physeter catodon2017-03-03v41 / 18approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, balaenoptera borealis, sei whale2017-03-03v41 / 20approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, balaenoptera acutorostrata, minke whale2017-03-03v41 / 23approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, physeter catodon2017-03-03v41 / 30approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, phocoena phocoena, harbor porpoise2017-03-03v41 / 31approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, stenella longirostris, spinner dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 34approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, steno bredanensis, rough-toothed dolphin2017-03-03v41 / 35approvedNo
79amnondominant united states of america, skin, delphinus delphis2017-03-03v41 / 36approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, peponocephala electra2017-03-03v41 / 40approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, lagenorhynchus acutus2017-03-03v41 / 40approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, stenella attenuata2017-03-03v41 / 40approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, globicephala macrorhynchus, short finned pilot whale2017-03-03v41 / 42approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, harbor seal, phoca vitulina2017-03-03v41 / 49approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, balaenoptera borealis, sei whale2017-03-03v41 / 90approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, balaenoptera physalus, fin whale2017-03-03v41 / 105approvedNo
79amnoncommon united states of america, skin, delphinus delphis2017-03-03v41 / 113approvedNo

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