Experiment ID: 827

Field Description
namepreferential flow paths shape the structure of bacterial communities in a clayey till depth profile

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
clayey till0.500000
late weichselian glaciation0.500000
depth 70-120cm0.500000
sandy till 0.500000
plough layer 0.500000
depth 300-350cm0.500000
depth 450-480cm0.500000
depth 200-260cm0.500000
depth 550-600cm0.500000
depth 20-120cm0.500000
LOWER IN depth 200-350cm0.500000
depth 200-350cm0.500000
LOWER IN depth 450-600cm0.500000
depth 450-600cm0.500000
LOWER IN depth 20-120cm0.500000
loam soil0.333333
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.250000
agricultural field0.111111
kingdom of denmark0.090909
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
kingdom of denmark1.000000
agricultural field1.000000
loam soil1.000000
clayey till1.000000
late weichselian glaciation1.000000
depth 70-120cm0.125000
sandy till 0.125000
depth (soil) 20-30cm0.125000
plough layer 0.125000
depth 300-350cm0.125000
depth 450-480cm0.125000
depth 200-260cm0.125000
depth 550-600cm0.125000
LOWER IN depth 200-350cm0.125000
depth 200-350cm0.125000
depth 20-120cm0.062500
LOWER IN depth 450-600cm0.062500
depth 450-600cm0.062500
LOWER IN depth 20-120cm0.062500
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
kingdom of denmark1.000000
agricultural field1.000000
loam soil1.000000
clayey till1.000000
late weichselian glaciation1.000000
depth 70-120cm1.000000
sandy till 1.000000
depth (soil) 20-30cm1.000000
plough layer 1.000000
depth 300-350cm1.000000
depth 450-480cm1.000000
depth 200-260cm1.000000
depth 550-600cm1.000000
depth 20-120cm1.000000
LOWER IN depth 200-350cm1.000000
depth 200-350cm1.000000
LOWER IN depth 450-600cm1.000000
depth 450-600cm1.000000
LOWER IN depth 20-120cm1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
827sheryoDominant in soil at 25cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, depth (soil) 20-30cm, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, plough layer )2021-08-24v31 / 3approvedNo
827sheryoDominant in soil at 95cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 70-120cm, sandy till )2021-08-24v31 / 4approvedNo
827sheryoDominant in soil at 325cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 300-350cm)2021-08-24v31 / 7approvedNo
827sheryoDominant in soil at 575cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 550-600cm)2021-09-13v31 / 12approvedNo
827sheryoDominant in soil at 465cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 450-480cm)2021-09-13v31 / 13approvedNo
827sheryoDominant in soil at 230cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (dominant kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 200-260cm)2021-08-24v31 / 15approvedNo
827sheryoHigher in soil depth of 275cm compared to soil depth of 60cm in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark ( high in depth 200-350cm compared to depth 20-120cm in kingdom of denmark agricultural field lund loam soil clayey till late weichselian glaciation )2021-09-13v31 / 129approvedNo
827sheryoHigher in soil depth of 465cm compared to soil depth of 275cm in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark ( high in depth 450-600cm compared to depth 200-350cm in kingdom of denmark agricultural field lund loam soil clayey till late weichselian glaciation )2021-09-13v31 / 137approvedNo
827sheryoHigher in soil depth of 275cm compared to soil depth of 465cm in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark ( high in depth 200-350cm compared to depth 450-600cm in kingdom of denmark agricultural field lund loam soil clayey till late weichselian glaciation )2021-09-13v31 / 197approvedNo
827sheryoHigher in soil depth of 60cm compared to soil depth of 275cm in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark ( high in depth 20-120cm compared to depth 200-350cm in kingdom of denmark agricultural field lund loam soil clayey till late weichselian glaciation )2021-09-13v31 / 295approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 575cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 550-600cm)2021-09-13v31 / 318approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 230cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 200-260cm)2021-08-24v31 / 644approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 465cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 450-480cm)2021-09-13v31 / 786approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 325cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 300-350cm)2021-08-24v31 / 866approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 25cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, depth (soil) 20-30cm, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, plough layer )2021-08-24v31 / 1111approvedNo
827sheryoCommon in soil at 95cm depth in clayey till loam soil, Lund Denmark (common kingdom of denmark, agricultural field, lund, loam soil, clayey till, late weichselian glaciation, depth 70-120cm, sandy till )2021-08-24v31 / 1142approvedNo

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