Exp. ID |
Name |
2 | Weight gain in anorexia nervosa does not ameliorate the faecal microbiota, branched chain fatty acid profiles, and gastrointestinal complaints |
3 | bacillus as a potential diagnostic marker for yellow tongue coating |
4 | the core gut microbiome of the american cockroach, periplaneta americana, is stable and resilient to dietary shifts |
5 | the core gut microbiome of the american cockroach, periplaneta americana, is stable and resilient to dietary shifts<br>wild type samples |
6 | urinary microbiota associated with preterm birth: results from the conditions affecting neurocognitive development and learning in early childhood (candle) study |
7 | urinary microbiota associated with preterm birth: results from the conditions affecting neurocognitive development and learning in early childhood (candle) study |
8 | pop mice |
9 | multifaceted impacts of the stony coral porites astreoides on picoplankton abundance and community composition |
10 | gem<br>association of host genome with intestinal microbial composition in a large healthy cohort |
12 | reduced diversity and altered composition of the gut microbiome in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome |
13 | spatial heterogeneity of gut microbial composition along the gastrointestinal tract in natural populations of house mice |
14 | mouse biopsies pilot |
15 | oligotyping reveals differences between gut microbiomes of free-ranging sympatric namibian carnivores (acinonyx jubatus, canis mesomelas) on a bacterial species-like level |
16 | the fecal microbiome in cats with diarrhea |
17 | diet diversity and gut microbial diversity |
18 | characterizing the gut microbiome of the last population of undomesticated horses living in the wild, the przewalski horse |
19 | the treatment-naive microbiome in new-onset crohn’s disease |
20 | american gut 6-2016 |
21 | strain diversity and host specificity in a specialized gut symbiont of honeybees and bumblebees |
151 | comparison of master mix 2016 |
22 | compare bacteria in stool from hiv positive and negative |
23 | human biopsies pilot |
24 | rapid change of fecal microbiome and disappearance of clostridium difficile in a colonized infant after transition from breast milk to cow milk |
25 | illumina miseq platform analysis caecum bacterial communities of rex rabbits fed with different antibiotics |
26 | the shared microbiota of humans and companion animals as evaluated from staphylococcus carriage sites |
27 | evaluation of composition and individual variability of rumen microbiota in yaks by 16s rrna high-throughput sequencing technology |
28 | dining local: the microbial diet of a snail that grazes microbial communities is geographically structured |
29 | emergence shapes the structure of the seed microbiota |
30 | exercise prevents weight gain and alters the gut microbiota in a mouse model of high fat diet-induced obesity |
31 | samples of breast milk from a breast milk biorepository |
32 | salivary microbiomes of indigenous tsimane mothers and infants are distinct despite frequent premastication |
33 | the bronchial epithelial cell bacterial microbiome and host response in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus |
34 | bacterial communities in the rhizospheres of three mangrove tree species from beilun estuary, china |
35 | tz_probiotic_pregnancy_study<br>groups of pregnant women from tanzania were designated nourished, malnourished or overnourished. select participants were supplemented with probiotic yogurt and followed through pregnancy to parturition |
55 | changes in the eye microbiota associated with contact lens wearing |
36 | gut microbiota signatures of longevity |
37 | using a control to better understand phyllosphere microbiota |
38 | alterations of the human gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis |
39 | influence of whole-wheat consumption on fecal microbial
ecology of obese diabetic mice |
115 | the influence of weight and gender on intestinal bacterial community of wild largemouth bronze gudgeon (coreius guichenoti, 1874) |
372 | inflammation-induced iga+ cells dismantle anti-liver cancer immunity |
40 | using community analysis to explore bacterial indicators for disease suppression of tobacco bacterial wilt |
41 | amplicon sequencing of mice colonic microbiota<br>chronic psychological stress disrupted the
composition of the murine colonic
microbiota and accelerated a murine model
of inflammatory bowel disease |
42 | amplicon sequencing of mice colonic microbiota<br>chronic psychological stress disrupted the
composition of the murine colonic
microbiota and accelerated a murine model
of inflammatory bowel disease |
45 | longitudinal analysis of the intestinal microbiota in persistently stunted young children in south india
46 | the effect of antibiotic mediated gut microbiome perturbation on diabetes development in nod mice. |
47 | lowry ptsd mice<br>to assess the effect of pre-immunizing with mycobacterium vaccae on a model of acute stress in mice |
48 | the developing hypopharyngeal microbiota in early life |
49 | shifts in the gut microbiome observed in wildlife faecal samples exposed to natural weather conditions: lessons from time-series analyses using next-generation sequencing for application in field studies |
50 | symbiotic bacteria in gills and guts of chinese mitten crab (eriocheir sinensis) differ from the free-living bacteria in water |
51 | hiv-associated gut microbiome<br>an altered intestinal mucosal microbiome in hiv-1 infection is associated with mucosal and systemic immune activation and endotoxemia |
52 | characterization of the microbiome of nipple aspirate fluid of breast cancer survivors |
53 | interconnected microbiomes and resistomes in low-income human habitats |
54 | salivary gluten degradation and oral microbial profiles in health and celiac disease |
95 | microbiome in the apical root canal system of teeth with post-treatment apical periodontitis |
56 | from microhabitat of floral nectar up to biogeographic scale: novel insights on neutral and niche bacterial assemblies |
57 | apis mellifera forager microbiome study<br>no apparent correlation between honey bee forager gut microbiota and honey production |
58 | changes in the eye microbiota associated with contact lens wearing |
59 | strain diversity and host specificity in a specialized gut symbiont of honeybees and bumblebees |
60 | distinctive gut microbial community structure in both the wild and farmed swan goose |
61 | the skin microbiome in allergen-induced canine atopic dermatitis |
62 | differences in gut metabolites and microbial composition and functions between egyptian and u.s. children are consistent with their diets |
63 | american gut |
64 | preliminary analysis of salivary microbiome and their potential roles in oral lichen planus |
65 | the gut microbiome of the sea urchin, lytechinus variegatus, from its natural habitat demonstrates selective attributes of microbial taxa and predictive metabolic profiles |
66 | on the ecosystemic network of saliva in healthy
young adults |
67 | exploring the impact of post harvest processing on the microbiota and metabolite profiles during a case of green coffee bean production |
68 | buchnera has changed flatmate but the repeated replacement of co-obligate symbionts is not associated with the ecological expansions of their aphid hosts |
69 | composition and predicted metabolic capacity of upper and lower airway microbiota of healthy dogs in relation to the fecal microbiota |
70 | test |
71 | physiological and microbial adjustments to diet quality permit facultative herbivory in an omnivorous lizard
72 | the association of specific constituents of the fecal microbiota with immune-mediated brain disease in dogs |
73 | the distinct features of microbial ‘dysbiosis’ of crohn’s disease do not occur to the same extent in their unaffected, genetically-linked kindred |
74 | diet rapidly and reproducibly alters the human
gut microbiome |
75 | the microbiome of uncontacted amerindians |
130 | the core microbiome bonds the alpine bog vegetation to a transkingdom metacommunity |
76 | comparison of rhizome from seleniferus and non-seleniferous soils |
77 | australian seaweed |
78 | the role of social connectivity in gut microbial transmission and consequences for pathogen defense |
79 | marine mammal skin microbiomes |
116 | characterization of the intestinal microbiota in pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei, fed diets with different lipid sources |
80 | phylogenetic and ecological factors impact the gut microbiota of two neotropical primate species |
81 | community-level differences in the microbiome of healthy wild mallards and those infected by influenza a viruses |
82 | methane production in dairy cows correlates with rumen methanogenic and bacterial community structure |
83 | illumina miseq phylogenetic amplicon sequencing shows a large reduction of an uncharacterised succinivibrionaceae and an increase of the methanobrevibacter gottschalkii clade in feed restricted cattle |
84 | identifying the microbial cohorts associated with drought-driven carbon release from peatland ecosystems. |
85 | response of gut health and microbiota to sulfide exposure in pacific white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei |
86 | bacterial topography of the healthy human lower respiratory tract |
87 | bacterial topography of the healthy human lower respiratory tract |
88 | characterization of fecal microbiome of cape buffalo |
89 | social environment has a primary influence on the microbial and odor profiles of a chemically signaling songbird |
90 | high-throughput sequencing of microbial community diversity and dynamics during douchi fermentation |
91 | cultivation-independent comprehensive investigations on bacterial communitie in serofluid dish, a traditional chinese fermented food |
92 | variations in airborne bacterial communities at high altitudes over the noto peninsula (japan) in response to asian dust events |
93 | symbiotic bacteria associated with a bobtail squid reproductive system are detectable in the environment, and stable in the host and developing eggs |
94 | dynamics of the fecal microbiome in patients with recurrent and nonrecurrent clostridium difficile infection |
96 | subgingival microbiota dysbiosis in systemic lupus erythematosus: association with periodontal status |
97 | deep characterization of the microbiomes of calophya spp. (hemiptera: calophyidae) gall-inducing psyllids reveals the absence of plant pathogenic bacteria and three dominant endosymbionts |
98 | defining the core citrus leaf- and root-associated microbiota: factors associated with community structure and implications for managing huanglongbing (citrus greening) disease |
99 | most of the dominant members of amphibian skin bacterial
communities can be readily cultured |
100 | biogeographic patterns in below-ground diversity in new york city's central park are similar to those observed globally |
101 | the soil microbiome influences grapevine-associated microbiota |
102 | oral microbiome in hiv-associated periodontitis |
103 | patterns of variation in diversity of the
mississippi river microbiome over 1,300
kilometers |
104 | identification of key components of the healthy periodontium microbiome that protect against aggressive periodontitis by metagenomic sequencing |
105 | microbiome of deep dentinal caries lesions in teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis |
106 | clustering of subgingival microbiota reveals microbial disease ecotypes associated with clinical stages of periodontitis in a cross-sectional study |
107 | unique and shared responses of the gut microbiota to prolonged fasting: a comparative study across five classes of vertebrate hosts |
108 | unique and shared responses of the gut microbiota to prolonged fasting: a comparative study across five classes of vertebrate hosts |
109 | impact of water chemistry, pipe material and stagnation on the building plumbing microbiome |
110 | the impact of sampling, pcr, and sequencing replication on discerning changes in drinking water bacterial community over diurnal time-scales |
111 | microbial community compositions in the gastrointestinal tract of chinese mongolian sheep using illumina miseq sequencing revealed high microbial diversity |
112 | influence of endogenous and exogenous estrogenic endocrine on intestinal microbiota in zebrafish |
113 | the role of adaptive immunity as an ecological filter on the gut microbiota in zebrafish |
114 | larval exposure to polychlorinated biphenyl 126 (pcb-126) causes persistent alteration of the amphibian gut microbiota |
117 | the enteric nervous system promotes intestinal health by constraining microbiota composition |
118 | metamorphosis of a butterfly-associated bacterial community |
119 | chronic trichuris muris infection decreases diversity of the intestinal microbiota and concomitantly increases the abundance of lactobacilli |
120 | enterotype may drive the dietary-associated cardiometabolic risk factors |
121 | members of the human gut microbiota involved in recovery from vibrio cholerae infection |
122 | genetic determinants of the gut microbiome in uk twins |
123 | the antipsychotic olanzapine interacts with the gut microbiome to cause weight gain in mouse |
124 | akkermansia muciniphila mediates negative effects of ifnγ on glucose metabolism |
125 | host genotype and gut microbiome modulate insulin secretion and diet-induced metabolic phenotypes |
126 | barley rhizosphere 16s<br>response of the rhizosphere prokaryotic community of barley (hordeum vulgare l.) to elevated atmospheric co2 concentration in open-top chambers |
127 | development of the chick microbiome: how early exposure influences future microbial diversity |
128 | impact of urban land use on the bacterial phyllosphere of ivy (hedera sp.) |
129 | the cacti microbiome: interplay between habitat-filtering and host-specificity |
131 | the effect of heritability and host genetics on the gut microbiota and metabolic syndrome |
132 | alterations of the human gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis<br>prjna321051 |
133 | the infant nasopharyngeal microbiome impacts severity of lower respiratory infection and risk of asthma development |
134 | unearthing microbial diversity of taxus rhizosphere via miseq high-throughput amplicon sequencing and isolate characterization |
135 | tundra soil carbon is vulnerable to rapid microbial decomposition under climate warming |
136 | microbial diversity within the trichodesmium holobiont |
137 | kinship, inbreeding and fine-scale spatial structure influence gut microbiota in a hindgut-fermenting tortoise |
138 | polymetallic nodules, sediments, and deep waters in the equatorial north pacific exhibit highly diverse and distinct bacterial, archaeal, and microeukaryotic communities |
139 | polymetallic nodules, sediments, and deep waters in the equatorial north pacific exhibit highly diverse and distinct bacterial, archaeal, and microeukaryotic communities |
140 | microbial community composition and diversity in caspian sea sediments |
141 | microbial community composition and diversity in caspian sea sediments |
142 | biogeochemical and microbial variation across 5500 km of antarctic surface sediment implicates organic matter as a driver of benthic community structure |
143 | pcr mastermix test<br>knight lab |
144 | differences in the faecal microbiome of non-diarrhoeic clinically healthy dogs and cats associated with giardia duodenalis infection: impact of hookworms and coccidia |
145 | water management impacts rice methylmercury and the soil microbiome |
146 | solanum lycopersicum (tomato) hosts robust phyllosphere and rhizosphere bacterial communities when grown in soil amended with various organic and synthetic fertilizers |
147 | high diversity of planctomycetes in soils of two lichen-dominated sub-arctic ecosystems of northwestern siberia |
183 | by their own devices: invasive argentine ants have shifted diet without clear aid from symbiotic microbes |
255 | ontogenetic characterization of the intestinal microbiota of channel catfish through 16s rrna gene sequencing reveals insights on temporal shifts and the influence of environmental microbes |
148 | well to well contamination |
149 | amphibian gut microbiota shifts differentially in community structure but converges on habitatspecific predicted functions |
150 | the fecal microbiome of dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency |
152 | dust and nose |
153 | farewell |
154 | effects of uranium concentration on microbial community structure and functional potential |
155 | rhizosphere-associated bacterial network structure and spatial distribution differ significantly from bulk soil in wheat crop fields |
156 | application of struvite alters the antibiotic resistome in soil, rhizosphere, and phyllosphere |
157 | weaned beef calves fed selenium-biofortified alfalfa hay have an enriched nasal microbiota compared with healthy controls |
158 | the feline skin microbiota: the bacteria inhabiting the skin of healthy and allergic cats |
159 | microbiome patterns across the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbitfish siganus fuscescens |
160 | unravelling riverine microbial communities under wastewater treatment plant effluent discharge in large urban areas |
161 | stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions |
162 | multi-omics analysis of periodontal pocket microbial communities pre- and posttreatment |
163 | ost species shapes the co-occurrence patterns rather than diversity of stomach bacterial communities in pikas |
164 | bacterial microbiota in small brown planthopper populations with different rice viruses |
165 | the gut microbiota in larvae of the housefly musca domestica and their horizontal transfer through feeding |
166 | effect of freshwater mussels on the vertical distribution of anaerobic ammonia oxidizers and other nitrogen- transforming microorganisms in upper mississippi river sediment |
167 | a bidirectional association between the gut microbiota and cns disease in a biphasic murine model of multiple sclerosis |
168 | the functional potential and active populations of the
pit mud microbiome for the production of chinese
strong-flavour liquor |
169 | characterising and predicting cyanobacterial blooms in an 8-year amplicon sequencing time course |
170 | microbial community structure and function decoupling across a phosphorus gradient in streams |
171 | drought stress results in a compartment-specific restructuring of the rice root-associated microbiomes |
172 | burkholderia of plant-beneficial group are symbiotically associated with bordered plant bugs (heteroptera: pyrrhocoroidea: largidae) |
173 | the salivary microbiome as an indicator of carcinogenesis in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: a pilot study |
174 | spatial autocorrelation of microbial communities atop a debris-covered glacier is evidence of a supraglacial chronosequence |
175 | understanding the variation of microbial community in heavy metals contaminated soil using high throughput sequencing |
176 | topical antimicrobial treatments can elicit shifts to resident skin bacterial communities and reduce colonization by staphylococcus aureus competitors |
177 | comparison of collection methods for fecal samples in microbiome studies |
178 | hotspots for selected metal elements and microbes accumulation and the corresponding water quality deterioration potential in an unchlorinated drinking water distribution system |
179 | fluoride depletes acidogenic taxa in oral but not gut microbial communities in mice |
180 | comparison of microbiomes between red poultry mite populations (dermanyssus gallinae): predominance of bartonella-like bacteria |
181 | colony contact contributes to the diversity of gut bacteria in bumblebees (bombus terrestris) |
182 | by their own devices: invasive argentine ants have shifted diet without clear aid from symbiotic microbes |
184 | dramatic differences in gut bacterial densities correlate with diet and habitat in rainforest ants |
185 | gut microbiome predictors of treatment response and recurrence in primary clostridium difficile infection |
186 | alteration of the rat cecal microbiome during colonization with the helminth hymenolepis diminuta |
187 | a benign helminth alters the host immune system and the gut microbiota in a rat model system
188 | chemical and pathogen-induced inflammation disrupt the murine intestinal microbiome |
189 | microbial landscape of the grapevine endosphere in the context of pierce’s disease |
190 | seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the hadza hunter-gatherers of tanzania |
191 | replication and refinement of a vaginal microbial signature of preterm birth in two racially distinct cohorts of us women |
192 | the structure of the brassica napus seed microbiome is cultivar-dependent and affects the interactions of symbionts and pathogens |
193 | the nasal microbiota of dairy farmers is more complex than oral microbiota, reflects occupational exposure, and provides competition for staphylococci |
194 | linking spatial structure and community-level biotic interactions through cooccurrence and time series modeling of the human intestinal microbiota |
195 | urban transit system microbial communities differ by surface type and interaction with humans and the environment |
196 | impact of water heater temperature setting and water
use frequency on the building plumbing microbiome |
197 | a cross-sectional comparative study of gut bacterial community of indian and finnish children |
198 | ecological differentiation in planktonic and sediment-associated chemotrophic microbial populations in yellowstone hot springs |
199 | microbes and associated soluble and volatile chemicals on periodically wet household surfaces |
200 | wastewater treatment plant effluent introduces recoverable shifts in microbial community composition in receiving streams |
201 | a distinctive and host-restricted gut microbiota in populations of a cactophilic drosophila species |
254 | strong impact of anthropogenic contamination on the co-occurrence patterns of a riverine microbial community |
202 | variations in oral microbiota associated with oral cancer |
203 | host genetic control of the oral microbiome in health and disease |
204 | spatiotemporal variation of bacterial and archaeal communities in sediments of a drinking reservoir, beijing, china |
205 | novel microbial assemblages dominate weathered sulfide-bearing rock from copper-nickel deposits in the duluth complex, minnesota, usa |
334 | interleukin 1α-deficient mice have an altered gut microbiota leading to protection from dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis |
505 | pronounced daily succession of phytoplankton, archaea and bacteria following a spring bloom |
206 | origin-dependent variations in the atmospheric microbiome community in eastern mediterranean dust storms |
207 | fecal microbial characterization of hospitalized patients with suspected infectious diarrhea shows significant dysbiosis |
208 | mitigation of colitis with novasil clay therapy |
209 | extensive core microbiome in drone-captured whale blow supports a framework for health monitoring |
210 | regulators of gut motility revealed by a gnotobiotic model of diet-microbiome interactions related to travel |
211 | genetic and environmental control of host-gut microbiota interactions |
212 | molecular exploration of fecal microbiome in quinoa-supplemented obese mice |
213 | microbial composition predicts genital tract inflammation and persistent bacterial vaginosis in adolescent south african women |
214 | interactions between gut microbiota, host genetics and diet in the development of metabolic syndrome |
215 | distinctive microbiomes and metabolites linked with weight loss after gastric bypass, but not gastric banding |
216 | effects of subchronic oral toxic metal exposure on the intestinal microbiota of mice |
217 | aging and serum mcp-1 are associated with gut microbiome composition in a murine model |
218 | effect of milk and milk containing lactobacillus casei on the intestinal microbiota of mice |
219 | modeling environmental risk factors of autism in mice induces ibd-related gut microbial dysbiosis and hyperserotonemia |
220 | dietary perturbations alter the ecological significance of ingested lactobacillus plantarum in the digestive tract |
221 | modulation of gut microbiome composition and function in experimental colitis treated with sulfasalazine |
222 | 16s rrna gene profiling of planktonic and biofilm microbial populations in the gulf of guinea using illumina ngs |
223 | regional variations in the diversity and predicted metabolic potential of benthic prokaryotes in coastal northern zhejiang, east china sea |
224 | primary productivity of snow algae communities on stratovolcanoes of the pacific northwest |
225 | impact of age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and exercise on intestinal microbiota composition |
226 | cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms are a biological disturbance to western lake erie bacterial communities |
227 | maturation of the infant respiratory microbiota, environmental drivers and health consequences: a prospective cohort study |
228 | compositionally and functionally distinct sinus microbiota in chronic rhinosinusitis patients have immunological and clinically divergent consequences |
229 | bacterial communities vary between sinuses in chronic rhinosinusitis patients |
230 | three distinct pneumotypes characterize the microbiome of the lung in balb/cj mice |
231 | characterization of the urinary microbiome in healthy dogs |
232 | a longitudinal study of the diabetic skin and wound microbiome |
233 | early life dynamics of the human gut virome and bacterial microbiome in infants |
234 | spatial variation in the healthy human lung microbiome and the adapted island model of lung biogeography |
235 | global-scale structure of the eelgrass microbiome |
236 | microbial communities in sediment from zostera marina patches, but not the z. marina leaf or root microbiomes, vary in relation to distance from patch edge |
237 | morphological and genetic factors shape the microbiome of a seabird species (oceanodroma leucorhoa) more than environmental and social factors |
238 | metformin is associated with higher relative abundance of mucin-degrading akkermansia muciniphila and several short-chain fatty acid producing microbiota in the gut |
239 | the human gut microbiome as a screening tool for colorectal cancer |
240 | the dynamics of the human infant gut microbiome in development and in progression toward type 1 diabetes. |
241 | variation in microbiome lps immunogenicity contributes to autoimmunity in humans |
242 | gut microbiome diversity among cheyenne and arapaho individuals from western oklahoma |
243 | within gut physicochemical variation does not correspond to distinct resident fungal and bacterial communities in the tree-killing xylophage, anoplophora glabripennis |
244 | gut microbiomes and reproductive isolation in drosophila |
245 | distinct patterns in human milk microbiota and fatty acid profiles across specific geographic locations |
246 | saliva from obese individuals suppresses the release of aroma compounds from wine |
247 | whole-grain wheat consumption reduces inflammation in a randomized controlled trial on overweight and obese subjects with unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviors: role of polyphenols bound to cereal dietary fiber |
248 | salt-responsive gut commensal modulates th17 axis and disease |
249 | gut bacteria from multiple sclerosis patients modulate human t cells and exacerbate symptoms in mouse models |
250 | fungal community reveals less dispersal limitation and potentially more connected network than that of bacteria in bamboo forest soils |
251 | exploring fungal diversity in deep-sea sediments from okinawa trough using high-throughput illumina sequencing |
252 | wastewater pollution differently affects the antibiotic resistance gene pool and biofilm bacterial communities across streambed compartments |
253 | active microorganisms thrive among extremely diverse communities in cloud water |
256 | composition and diversity of mucosa-associated microbiota along the entire length of the pig gastrointestinal tract; dietary influences |
257 | characterizing bacterial communities in tilapia pond surface sediment and their responses to pond differences and temporal variations |
258 | immune response and mortality risk relate to distinct lung microbiomes in hivpneumonia patients |
296 | spatial scale affects the relative role of stochasticity versus determinism in soil bacterial communities in wheat fields across the north china plain |
259 | organic amendments shift the phosphorus-correlated microbial cooccurrence pattern in the peanut rhizosphere network during long-term fertilization regimes |
260 | subgingival microbiome colonization and cytokine production during early dental implant healing |
261 | dietary energy drives the dynamic response of bovine rumen viral communities |
262 | modulation of the tick gut milieu by a secreted tick protein favors borrelia burgdorferi colonization |
263 | quality of irrigation water affects soil functionality and bacterial community stability to heat disturbance |
264 | impacts of diarrhea on the immune system, intestinal environment, and expression of pgrps in new zealand rabbits |
265 | identifying the core seed bank of a complex boreal bacterial metacommunity |
266 | host genotype and age shape the leaf and root microbiomes of a wild perennial plant |
267 | effect of dietary probiotic supplementation on intestinal microbiota and physiological conditions of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) under waterborne cadmium exposure |
268 | a single vibrionales 16s rrna oligotype dominates the intestinal microbiome in two geographically separated atlantic cod populations |
269 | characterization of a microbial community developing during refrigerated storage of vacuum packed yao meat, a chinese traditional food |
270 | agelas wasting syndrome alters prokaryotic symbiont communities of the caribbean brown tube sponge, agelas tubulata |
271 | co-occurrence patterns of soybean rhizosphere microbiome at a continental scale |
272 | oral microbiota: microbial biomarkers of metabolic syndrome independent of host genetic factors |
273 | maturation of the gut microbiome and risk of asthma in childhood |
274 | ecological plasticity in the gastrointestinal microbiomes of ethiopian chlorocebus monkeys |
275 | temporal and regional variability in the skin microbiome of humpback whales along the western antarctic peninsula |
276 | subsistence strategies in traditional societies distinguish gut microbiomes |
277 | comparing the healthy nose and nasopharynx microbiota reveals continuity as well as niche-specificity |
278 | oral microbiota of periodontal health and disease and their changes after nonsurgical periodontal therapy |
279 | gut region influences the diversity and interactions of bacterial communities in pikas (ochotona curzoniae and ochotona daurica) |
280 | the gorgonian coral eunicella labiata hosts a distinct prokaryotic consortium amenable to cultivation |
281 | diets alter the gut microbiome of crocodile lizards |
282 | tide as steering factor in structuring archaeal and bacterial ammonia-oxidizing communities in mangrove forest soils dominated by avicennia germinans and rhizophora mangle |
283 | pycnoscelus surinamensis cockroach gut microbiota respond consistently to a fungal diet without mirroring those of fungus-farming termites |
284 | household triclosan and triclocarban effects on the infant and maternal microbiome |
285 | relationship of the middle ear effusion microbiome to secretory mucin production in pediatric patients with chronic otitis media |
286 | 16s rrna gene sequencing reveals altered composition of gut microbiota in individuals with kidney stones |
287 | long-range transported bioaerosols captured in snow cover on mount tateyama, japan: impacts of asian-dust events on airborne bacterial dynamics relating to ice-nucleation activities |
288 | characterization of the juvenile green turtle (chelonia mydas) microbiome throughout an ontogenetic shift from pelagic to neritic habitats |
289 | variable responses of human microbiomes to dietary supplementation with resistant starch |
290 | recent urbanization in china is correlated with a westernized microbiome encoding increased virulence and antibiotic resistance genes |
291 | bacterial microbiome of the nose of healthy dogs and dogs with nasal disease |
292 | gut microbiota offers universal biomarkers across ethnicity in inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis and infliximab response prediction |
293 | prior dietary practices and connections to a human gut microbial metacommunity alter responses to diet interventions |
294 | reduction of butyrate- and methane-producing microorganisms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome |
295 | plant genotype-specific archaeal and bacterial endophytes but similar bacillus antagonists colonize mediterranean olive trees |
297 | dysbiosis, inflammation, and response to treatment: a longitudinal study of pediatric subjects with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease |
298 | bacteria increase arid-land soil surface temperature through the production of sunscreens |
299 | bacterial alterations in salivary microbiota and their association in oral cancer |
300 | physical activity differentially affects the cecal microbiota of ovariectomized female rats selectively bred for high and low aerobic capacity |
301 | variation of the microbiota and metabolome along the canine gastrointestinal tract |
302 | comprehensive molecular characterization of bacterial communities in feces of pet birds using 16s marker sequencing |
303 | high intake of orange juice and cola differently affects metabolic risk in healthy subjects |
304 | microbial community structure of sea spray aerosols at three california beaches. |
305 | bacterial community changes in an industrial algae production system |
306 | microbiome dynamics during ensiling of corn with and without lactobacillus plantarum inoculant |
307 | experimental chagas disease-induced perturbations of the fecal microbiome and metabolome |
308 | katharoseq enables high-throughput microbiome analysis from low-biomass samples |
309 | rhizosphere bacterial community composition depends on plant diversity legacy in soil and plant species identity |
310 | gut microbial diversity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome correlates with hyperandrogenism |
311 | the impact of vegan production on the kimchi microbiome |
312 | microbiota composition may predict anti-tnf alpha response in spondyloarthritis patients: an exploratory study |
313 | dietary live yeast and increased water temperature influence the gut microbiota of rainbow trout |
314 | the significance of the diversity and composition of the cecal microbiota of the tibetan swine |
315 | opportunistic pathogens are abundant in the gut of cultured giant spiny frog (paa spinosa) |
316 | evidence of ash tree (fraxinus spp.) specific associations with soil bacterial community structure and functional capacity |
317 | primer selection impacts specific population abundances but not community dynamics in a monthly time-series 16s rrna gene amplicon analysis of coastal marine bacterioplankton |
318 | incubation with macroalgae induces large shifts in water column microbiota, but minor changes to the epibiota of co-occurring macroalgae |
319 | investigating colonization of the healthy adult gastrointestinal tract by fungi |
320 | fecal microbiota signatures are associated with response to ustekinumab therapy among crohn’s disease patients |
321 | oral antibiotic treatment of mice exacerbates the disease severity of multiple flavivirus infections |
322 | early-life diet affects host microbiota and later-life defenses against parasites in frogs |
323 | microbial community richness distinguishes shark species microbiomes in south florida |
324 | the influence of diet and environment on the gut microbial community of field crickets |
325 | microbiota-accessible carbohydrates suppress clostridium difficile infection in a murine model |
326 | obese mice losing weight due to trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid supplementation or food restriction harbor distinct gut microbiota |
327 | injectable antimicrobials in commercial feedlot cattle and their effect on the nasopharyngeal microbiota and antimicrobial resistance |
328 | changes in mouse gut bacterial community in response to different types of drinking water |
329 | multilevel social structure and diet shape the gut microbiota of the gelada monkey, the only grazing primate |
330 | multilevel social structure and diet shape the gut microbiota of the gelada monkey, the only grazing primate |
331 | multilevel social structure and diet shape the gut microbiota of the gelada monkey, the only grazing primate |
332 | influence of the intestinal microbiota on the immunogenicity of oral rotavirus vaccine given to infants in south india |
333 | dysbiosis of gut microbiota with reduced trimethylamine-n-oxide level in patients with large-artery atherosclerotic stroke or transient ischemic attack |
335 | features of the bronchial bacterial microbiome associated with atopy, asthma, and responsiveness to inhaled corticosteroid treatment |
336 | comparative analyses of the gut microbiota among three different wild geese species in the genus anser |
337 | new york city house mice (mus musculus) as potential reservoirs for pathogenic bacteria and antimicrobial resistance determinants |
338 | cutaneous microbiota of the japanese giant salamander (andrias japonicus), a representative of an ancient amphibian clade |
339 | changes in the intestinal microbiota following the administration of azithromycin in a randomised placebo-controlled trial among infants in south india |
340 | faecal microbiota of cats with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus |
341 | drinking water microbiome assembly induced by water stagnation |
342 | diversity and community structure of marine microbes around the benham rise underwater plateau, northeastern philippines |
343 | the influence of flower anatomy and apple cultivar on the apple flower phytobiome |
344 | fecal microbiota composition drives immune activation in hiv-infected individuals |
345 | the nasal microbiome mirrors and potentially shapes olfactory function |
346 | instar- and host-associated differentiation of bacterial communities in the mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata |
347 | disentangling the complexity of permafrost soil by using high resolution profiling of microbial community composition, key functions and respiration rates |
348 | the short-term impact of probiotic consumption on the oral cavity microbiome |
349 | beneficial changes of gut microbiota and metabolism in weaned rats with lactobacillus acidophilus ncfm and bifidobacterium lactis bi-07 supplementation |
350 | the microbial reproductive ecology of white-faced capuchins (cebus capucinus) |
351 | ocean warming alters predicted microbiome functionality in a common sea urchin |
352 | comparison of small gut and whole gut microbiota of first-degree relatives with adult patients with celiac disease and controls |
353 | captivity and exposure to the emerging fungal pathogen batrachochytrium salamandrivorans are linked to perturbation and dysbiosis of the amphibian skin microbiome |
354 | bacterial biogeography of adult airways in atopic asthma |
355 | alternate life history phases of a common seaweed have distinct microbial surface communities |
356 | high soil microbial activity in the winter season enhances nitrogen cycling in a cool-temperate deciduous forest |
357 | structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome |
358 | the benign helminth hymenolepis diminuta ameliorates chemically induced colitis in a rat model system |
359 | diversity and co-occurrence network of soil fungi are more responsive than those of bacteria to shifts in precipitation seasonality in a subtropical forest |
360 | plant compartment and biogeography affect microbiome composition in cultivated and native agave species |
361 | the plant is crucial: specific composition and function of the phyllosphere microbiome of indoor ornamentals |
362 | microbial community diferentiation between active and inactive sulfde chimneys of the kolumbo submarine volcano, hellenic volcanic arc |
363 | multi-omic biogeography of the gastrointestinal microbiota of a pre-weaned lamb |
364 | diversity and metabolic potential of the microbiota associated with a soil arthropod |
365 | the bacteriome at the onset of type 1 diabetes: a study from four geographically distant african and asian countries |
366 | the nile river microbiome reveals a remarkably stable community between wet and dry seasons, and sampling sites, in a large urban metropolis (cairo, egypt) |
367 | the biology of fog: results from coastal maine and namib desert reveal common drivers of fog microbial composition |
368 | gut microbiota in human sle and a mouse model of lupus |
369 | functional gut microbiota remodeling contributes to the caloric restriction-induced metabolic improvements |
370 | variations in the structure of airborne bacterial communities in tsogt-ovoo of gobi desert area during dust events |
371 | changes in the gut microbiota of urban subjects during an immersion in the traditional diet and lifestyle of a rainforest village |
373 | distinct rhizosphere effect on active and total bacterial communities in paddy soils |
374 | assessment of bacterial communities associated with the skin of costa rican amphibians at la selva biological station |
375 | metagenomic analysis of rhizosphere microflora of oil-contaminated soil planted with barley and alfalfa |
376 | salt marsh sediment bacterial communities maintain original population structure after transplantation across a latitudinal gradient |
377 | disruption of skin microbiota contributes to salamander disease |
378 | do different probing depths exhibit striking differences in microbial profiles? |
379 | the effect of the timing of exposure to campylobacter jejuni on the gut microbiome and inflammatory responses of broiler chickens |
380 | correlations between gut microbiota community structures of tibetans and geography |
381 | glucocorticoids modulate gastrointestinal microbiome in a wild bird |
382 | temperature-controlled thermophilic bacterial communities in hot springs of western sichuan, china |
383 | ketogenic diet enhances neurovascular function with altered gut microbiome in young healthy mice |
384 | lung microbiome is influenced by the environment and asthmatic status in an equine model of asthma |
385 | post-antibiotic gut mucosal microbiome reconstitution is impaired by probiotics and improved by autologous fmt<br>personalized gut mucosal colonization resistance to empiric probiotics is associated with unique host and microbiome features |
386 | altitudinal variation of the gut microbiota in wild house mice |
387 | the gut microbiota modulates energy metabolism in the hibernating brown bear ursus arctos |
388 | development of the tonsil microbiome in pigs and effects of stress on the microbiome |
389 | development of the tonsillar microbiome in pigs from newborn through weaning |
390 | gut microbiome analysis identifies potential aetiological factors in acute gastroenteritis |
391 | vitamin a deficiency impacts the structural segregation of gut microbiota in children with persistent diarrhea |
392 | high-throughput sequencing of gut microbiota in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fed larval and pre-pupae stages of black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) |
836 | comparative analyses of the subgingival microbiome in chronic periodontitis patients with and without gingival erosive oral lichen planus based on 16s rrna gene sequencing |
393 | an exploration of prevotella-rich microbiomes in hiv and men who have sex with men |
394 | disease severity and immune activity relate to distinct interkingdom gut microbiome states in ethnically distinct ulcerative colitis patients |
395 | safety, clinical response, and microbiome findings following fecal microbiota transplant in children with inflammatory bowel disease |
396 | host selectively contributes to shaping intestinal microbiota of carnivorous and omnivorous fish |
397 | the evolution of abdominal microbiomes in fungus growing ants |
398 | quantitative microbiome profiling links gut community variation to microbial load |
399 | gut microbiota density influences host physiology and is shaped by host and microbial factors |
400 | us immigration westernizes the human gut microbiome |
401 | endospores and other lysis-resistant bacteria comprise a widely shared core community within the human microbiota |
402 | bacterial survival strategies in an alkaline tailing site and the physiological mechanisms of dominant phylotypes as revealed by metagenomic analyses |
403 | a long-term survey unveils strong seasonal patterns in the airborne microbiome coupled to general and regional atmospheric circulations |
404 | gut microbiota is associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disease in a population in the midst of westernization |
405 | the gut microbiota mediates the anti-seizure effects of the ketogenic diet |
406 | the effects of captivity on the mammalian gut microbiome |
407 | seasonality of the gut microbiota of free-ranging white-faced capuchins in a tropical dry forest |
408 | dietary specialization in mutualistic acacia-ants affects relative abundance but not identity of host-associated bacteria |
409 | spatial variation of the native colon microbiota in healthy adults |
410 | compositional and temporal changes in the gut microbiome of pediatric ulcerative colitis patients are linked to disease course |
411 | characterization of wild and captive baboon gut microbiota and their antibiotic resistomes |
412 | long-term effects of manure and chemical fertilizers on soil antibiotic resistome |
413 | intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia, a hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea, alters the gut microbiome and metabolome |
414 | contrasting responses of bacterial and fungal communities to aggregate-size fractions and long-term fertilizations in soils of northeastern china |
415 | the structure and function of the global citrus rhizosphere microbiome |
416 | low-abundant bacteria drive compositional changes in the gut microbiota after dietary alteration |
417 | habitat environments impacted the gut microbiome of long-distance migratory swan geese but central species conserved |
418 | coral-associated bacteria demonstrate phylosymbiosis and cophylogeny |
419 | zengye decoction induces alterations to metabolically active gut microbiota in aged constipated rats |
420 | organic farming improves soil microbial abundance and diversity under greenhouse condition: a case study in shanghai (eastern china) |
421 | effects of cd, cu, zn and their combined action on microbial biomass and bacterial community structure |
422 | the chemodiversity of paddy soil dissolved organic matter correlates with microbial community at continental scales |
423 | skin and gut microbiomes of a wild mammal respond to different environmental cues |
424 | core gut microbiota in jinhua pigs and its correlation with strain, farm and weaning age |
425 | stunted childhood growth is associated with decompartmentalization of the gastrointestinal tract and overgrowth of oropharyngeal taxa |
426 | prokaryotic community shifts during soil formation on sands in the tundra zone |
427 | environmental temperature alters the digestive performance and gut microbiota of a terrestrial amphibian |
428 | gut microbiota dysbiosis worsens the severity of acute pancreatitis in patients and mice |
429 | a high salt diet modulates the gut microbiota and short chain fatty acids production in a salt-sensitive hypertension rat model |
430 | diet, physical activity and screen time but not body mass index are associated with the gut microbiome of a diverse cohort of college students living in university housing: a cross-sectional study |
449 | a lachnospiraceae-dominated bacterial signature in the fecal microbiota of hiv-infected individuals from colombia, south america<br>prjna408085 |
431 | hibernation leads to altered gut communities in bumblebee queens (bombus terrestris) |
432 | exploring variation in phyllosphere microbial communities across four hemlock species |
433 | spatial variations of prokaryotic communities in surface water from india ocean to chinese marginal seas and their underlining environmental determinants |
434 | rescue of fructose-induced metabolic syndrome by antibiotics or faecal transplantation in a rat model of obesity |
435 | marginal zinc deficiency and environmentally relevant concentrations of arsenic elicit combined effects on the gut microbiome |
436 | the fecal microbiome and serum concentrations of indoxyl sulfate and p‐cresol sulfate in cats with chronic kidney disease |
437 | interhost dispersal alters microbiome assembly and can overwhelm host innate immunity in an experimental zebrafish model |
438 | the gut microbiota of healthy aged chinese is similar to that of the healthy young |
439 | microbial diversity in the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum of yak on a rapid fattening regime in an agro-pastoral transition zone |
440 | the gut of the finch: uniqueness of the gut microbiome of the galápagos vampire finch |
441 | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alter the microbiota and exacerbate clostridium difficile colitis while dysregulating the inflammatory response. |
442 | compound polysaccharides ameliorate experimental colitis by modulating gut microbiota composition and function |
443 | nutrient dynamics and stream order influence microbial community patterns along a 2914 kilometer transect of the mississippi river |
444 | contrasting beneficial and pathogenic microbial communities across consecutive cropping fields of greenhouse strawberry |
445 | ecological and molecular characterization of a coral black band disease outbreak in the red sea during a bleaching event |
446 | dysbiosis and early mortality in zebrafish larvae exposed to subclinical concentrations of streptomycin |
447 | intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning and decreases obesity by shaping the gut microbiota |
448 | exploration of the fecal microbiota and biomarker discovery in equine grass sickness |
450 | mississippi river plume enriches microbial diversity in the northern gulf of mexico |
451 | metagenomic data of fungal internal transcribed spacer from serofluid dish, a traditional chinese fermented food |
452 | conversion from long-term cultivated wheat field to jerusalem artichoke plantation changed soil fungal communities |
453 | foliar microbiome transplants confer disease resistance in a critically-endangered plant |
454 | père david deer gut microbiome changes across captive and translocated populations: implications for conservation |
455 | data on the gut and saliva microbiota from a cohort of atherosclerosis patients determined by 16s rrna gene sequencing |
456 | the lung microbiota of healthy mice are highly variable, cluster by environment, and reflect variation in baseline lung innate immunity |
457 | polydextrose changes the gut microbiome and attenuates fasting triglyceride and cholesterol levels in western diet fed mice |
458 | effects of vendor and genetic background on the composition of the fecal microbiota of inbred mice |
459 | freshwater recirculating aquaculture system operations drive biofilter bacterial community shifts around a stable nitrifying consortium of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and comammox nitrospira |
460 | chamber bioaerosol study: outdoor air and human occupants as sources of indoor airborne microbes |
461 | microbial interactions lead to rapid micro-scale successions on model marine particles |
462 | the populus holobiont: dissecting the effects of plant niches and genotype on the microbiome |
463 | dietary lipid levels could improve growth and intestinal microbiota of juvenile swimming crab, portunus trituberculatus |
464 | scattered far and wide: a broadly distributed temperate dune grass finds familiar fungal root associates in its invasive range |
465 | drought stress results in a compartment-specific restructuring of the rice root-associated microbiomes <br> prjna386367 |
466 | rapid microbiome changes in freshly deposited cow feces under field conditions |
467 | effects of arabinoxylan and resistant starch on intestinal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomised crossover study |
468 | the temporal dynamics of the tracheal microbiome in tracheostomised patients with and without lower respiratory infections |
487 | impact of dietary resistant starch type 4 on human gut microbiota and immunometabolic functions |
469 | lung microbiome and host immune tone in subjects with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis treated with inhaled interferon-γ |
470 | reduction of salmonella shedding by sows during gestation in relation to its fecal microbiome |
471 | do host-associated gut microbiota mediate the effect of an herbicide on disease risk in frogs? |
472 | heterogeneity of methane seep biomes in the northeast pacific |
473 | differential co-occurrence relationships shaping ecotype diversification within thaumarchaeota populations in the coastal ocean water column |
474 | direct and indirect effects of a ph gradient bring insights into the mechanisms driving prokaryotic community structures |
475 | indoor-air microbiome in an urban subway network: diversity and dynamics |
476 | fluoxetine-induced alteration of murine gut microbial community structure: evidence for a microbial endocrinology-based mechanism of action responsible for fluoxetine-induced side effects |
477 | gut microbiome transition across a lifestyle gradient in himalaya |
478 | comparative analysis of the bacterial community compositions of the shrimp intestine, surrounding water and sediment |
479 | the influence of the host plant is the major ecological determinant of soil presence of the nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbiont, cluster ii frankia |
480 | phylogenetic and functional potential links ph and n2o emissions in pasture soils |
481 | bacillus velezensis ap193 exerts probiotic effects in channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) and reduces aquaculture pond eutrophication |
482 | intestinal parasitic infection alters bacterial gut microbiota in children |
483 | microbiomes of the polychaete hydroides elegans (polychaeta: serpulidae) across its life-history stages |
484 | dynamics of human gut microbiota and short-chain fatty acids in response to dietary interventions with three fermentable fibers |
485 | distribution, community composition and potential metabolic activity of bacterioplankton in an urbanized mediterranean sea coastal zone |
486 | methane seep carbonates host distinct, diverse, and dynamic microbial assemblages |
488 | faecal microbiota in dogs with multicentric lymphoma |
489 | is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity? |
490 | amniotic fluid from healthy term pregnancies does not harbor a detectable microbial community |
491 | linseed oil supplementation of lambs’ diet in early life leads to persistent changes in rumen microbiome structure |
492 | community richness of amphibian skin bacteria correlates with bioclimate at the global scale |
493 | comparison of the oral microbiome in mouthwash and whole saliva samples |
494 | bifidobacteria or fiber protects against dietinduced microbiota-mediated colonic mucus deterioration |
495 | 16s rrna amplicon sequencing characterization of caecal microbiome composition of broilers and free-range slow-growing chickens throughout their productive lifespan |
496 | a compendium of multi-omic sequence information from the saanich inlet water column |
497 | fecal microbiota transplant from highly feed efficient donors shows little effects on age-related changes in feed efficiency-associated fecal microbiota in chickens |
498 | the intestinal microbiota of tadpoles differs from those of syntopic aquatic invertebrates |
499 | the intestinal microbiota of tadpoles differs from those of syntopic aquatic invertebrates |
500 | deep ocean prokaryotic communities are remarkably malleable when facing long-term starvation |
501 | structure and function of the bacterial and fungal gut microbiota of neotropical butterflies |
502 | gut microbiome differences between patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects i |
503 | plasmodium berghei anka causes intestinal malaria associated with dysbiosis |
504 | large-scale seaweed cultivation diverges water and sediment microbial communities in the coast of nan'ao island, south china sea |
506 | shifts in soil bacterial and archaeal communities during freeze-thaw cycles in a seasonal frozen marsh, northeast china |
507 | the bacterial community of quesnel lake sediments impacted by a catastrophic mine tailings spill differ in composition from those at undisturbed locations – two years post-spill |
508 | molecular evidence for novel mercury methylating microorganisms in sulfate-impacted lakes |
509 | urogenital schistosomiasis is associated with signatures of microbiome dysbiosis in nigerian adolescents |
510 | unraveling the environmental and anthropogenic drivers of bacterial community changes in the estuary of bilbao and its tributaries |
511 | microbial ecology of snow reveals taxa-specific biogeographical structure |
512 | structural and functional differentiation of the microbial community in the surface and subsurface peat of two minerotrophic fens in china |
513 | occurrence and diversity of antibiotic resistance in untreated hospital wastewater |
514 | core bacterial community composition of a cryptoendolithic ecosystem in the grand staircase-escalante national monument, utah |
515 | how hosts taxonomy, trophy, and endosymbionts shape microbiome diversity in beetles |
516 | defining dysbiosis in patients with urolithiasis |
517 | the fecal, oral, and skin microbiota of children with chagas disease treated with benznidazole |
518 | beef cattle fecal microbiota response to toxic tall fescue grazing |
519 | the oral microbiome in the elderly with dental caries and health |
520 | alterations of gastric mucosal microbiota across different stomach microhabitats in a cohort of 276 patients with gastric cancer |
521 | the maturing development of gut microbiota in commercial piglets during the weaning transition |
522 | intestinal barrier function and the gut microbiome are differentially affected in mice fed a western-style diet or drinking water supplemented with fructose |
523 | concurrent measurement of microbiome and allergens in the air of bedrooms of allergy disease patients in the chicago area |
524 | salivary mycobiome dysbiosis and its potential impact on bacteriome shifts and host immunity in oral lichen planus |
525 | ground beef microbiome changes with antimicrobial decontamination interventions and product storage |
526 | the human gallbladder microbiome is related to the physiological state and the biliary metabolic profile |
527 | biogeography of soil bacterial populations in the jutulsessen and ahlmannryggen of western dronning maud land, antarctica |
528 | racioethnic diversity in the dynamics of the vaginal microbiome during pregnancy |
529 | the long term microbiota and metabolic status in patients with colorectal cancer after curative colon surgery<br>prjeb31234 |
530 | comparative analysis and characterization of the gut microbiota of four farmed snakes from southern china |
531 | hiseq base molecular characterization of soil microbial community, diversity structure, and predictive functional profiling in continuous cucumber planted soil affected by diverse cropping systems in an intensive greenhouse region of northern china |
532 | microbiome and metabolome profiles associated with different types of short bowel syndrome: implications for treatment |
533 | the association between pneumococcal vaccination, ethnicity, and the nasopharyngeal microbiota of children in fiji |
534 | bacterial community composition and diversity in koshi river, the largest river of nepal |
535 | deciphering the complex interplay between microbiota, hpv, inflammation and cancer through cervicovaginal metabolic profiling |
536 | variability in snake skin microbial assemblages across spatial scales and disease states |
537 | effects of the captive and wild environment on diversity of the gut microbiome of deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) |
538 | comparison of co-housing and littermate methods for microbiota standardization in mouse models |
539 | fermentation of enset (ensete ventricosum) in the gamo highlands of ethiopia: physicochemical and microbial community dynamics |
946 | effect of non-core microbes on the key odorants of paocai |
540 | domestic canines do not display evidence of gut microbial dysbiosis in the presence of clostridioides (clostridium) difficile, despite cellular susceptibility to its toxins |
541 | the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) faecal microbiome differs with diet in a wild population |
542 | microbiome profiles of ligature-induced periodontitis in nonhuman primates across the lifespan |
543 | snow algae communities in antarctica–metabolic and taxonomic composition |
544 | 16s rrna amplicon profiling of cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon ait.) flower and berry surfaces |
545 | deep-sea anthropogenic macrodebris harbours rich and diverse communities of bacteria and archaea |
546 | oxidative stress in the oral cavity is driven by individual-specific bacterial communities |
547 | metagenomic insights into the changes in microbial community and antimicrobial resistance genes associated with different salt content of red pepper (capsicum annuum l.) sauce |
548 | microbiomes of velloziaceae from phosphorus-impoverished soils of the campos rupestres, a biodiversity hotspot |
549 | the microbial biosphere of the coral acropora cervicornis in northeastern puerto rico |
550 | microbiota in the coelomic fluid of two common coastal starfish species and characterization of an abundant helicobacter-related taxon |
551 | composition of bacterial and archaeal communities in the rumen of dromedary camel using cdna-amplicon sequencing |
552 | bacterial but not fungal gut microbiota alterations are associated with common variable immunodeficiency (cvid) phenotype |
553 | tumor microbiome diversity and composition influence pancreatic cancer outcomes |
554 | illumina miseq sequencing for preliminary analysis of microbiome causing primary endodontic infections in egypt |
555 | alterations of oral microbiota distinguish children with autism spectrum disorders from healthy controls |
556 | temporal variability and stability of the fecal microbiome: the multiethnic cohort study |
557 | distribution patterns of bacterial communities and their potential link to variable viral lysis in temperate freshwater reservoirs |
558 | distinct microbiotas of anatomical gut regions display idiosyncratic seasonal variation in an avian folivore |
559 | reduced gut microbiome diversity and metabolome differences in rhinoceros species at risk for iron overload disorder |
560 | gut microbiota and phytoestrogen-associated infertility in southern white rhinoceros |
561 | yak rumen microbial diversity at different forage growth stages of an alpine meadow on the qinghai-tibet plateau |
562 | analysis of gut microbiome, nutrition and immune status in autism spectrum disorder: a case-control study in ecuador |
563 | alterations to the gastrointestinal microbiome associated with methamphetamine use among young men who have sex with men |
564 | gut microbiota features in young children with autism spectrum disorders |
565 | comprehensive skin microbiome analysis reveals the uniqueness of human skin and evidence for phylosymbiosis within the class mammalia |
566 | gut microbiota as a subjective measurement for auxiliary diagnosis of insomnia disorder |
567 | anterior nares diversity and pathobionts represent sinus microbiome in chronic rhinosinusitis |
568 | 16s rrna gene amplicon sequence data from chicken cecal feces from vietnam and thailand |
569 | network construction of gastric microbiome and organization of microbial modules associated with gastric carcinogenesis<br>evaluation of gastric microbiome and metagenomic function in patients with intestinal metaplasia using 16s rrna gene sequencing |
570 | meta-taxonomic analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gut flora in stool samples from visceral leishmaniasis cases and endemic controls in bihar state india |
571 | prokaryotic diversity in mangrove sediments across southeastern china fundamentally differs from that in other biomes |
572 | deep sequencing reveals microbiota dysbiosis of tongue coat in patients with liver carcinoma<br>tongue coating microbiome data distinguish patients with pancreatic head cancer from healthy controls |
573 | gut microbiota features associated with clostridioides difficile colonization in puppies |
574 | primary progressive multiple sclerosis in a russian cohort: relationship with gut bacterial diversity |
575 | characteristics of the gut microbiota in professional martial arts athletes: a comparison between different competition levels |
576 | oral microbiota composition and antimicrobial antibody response in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis |
577 | spatio‐temporal study of microbiology in the stratified oxic‐hypoxic‐euxinic, freshwater‐to‐hypersaline ursu lake |
578 | gut microbiota linked to sexual preference and hiv infection |
579 | rapid environmental change shapes pond water microbial community structure and function, affecting mud crab (scylla paramamosain) survivability |
580 | progesterone increases bifidobacterium relative abundance during late pregnancy |
581 | gut microbiota of red swamp crayfish procambarus clarkii in integrated crayfish-rice cultivation model |
582 | ear mite infection is associated with altered microbial communities in genetically depauperate santa catalina island foxes (urocyon littoralis catalinae) |
583 | the soil microbiome of gloria mountain summits in the swiss alps |
584 | investigation of gut microbiome changes in type 1 diabetic mellitus rats based on high-throughput sequencing |
585 | spatial structure of the microbiome in the gut of pomacea canaliculata |
586 | antibiotic treatment does not ameliorate the metabolic changes in rats presenting dysbiosis after consuming a high fructose diet |
587 | dynamics of bacterial communities in alfalfa and mung bean sprouts during refrigerated conditions |
588 | crypt- and mucosa-associated core microbiotas in humans and their alteration in colon cancer patients |
589 | fiber-mediated nourishment of gut microbiota protects against diet-induced obesity by restoring il-22-mediated colonic health |
590 | early-life intestinal microbiome in trachemys scripta elegans analyzed using 16s rrna sequencing |
591 | parkinson's disease and parkinson's disease medications have distinct signatures of the gut microbiome |
592 | allometry and ecology of the bilaterian gut microbiome |
593 | comparative analysis of fecal microbiota composition between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients |
594 | response of the human gut and saliva microbiome to urbanization in cameroon |
595 | bacterial microbiota composition of ixodes ricinus ticks: the role of environmental variation, tick characteristics and microbial interactions |
596 | oral microbiome development during childhood: an ecological succession influenced by postnatal factors and associated with tooth decay |
597 | combined signature of the fecal microbiome and metabolome in patients with gout |
598 | citizen science charts two major “stomatotypes” in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition |
599 | a microbiome analysis of equine peripheral dental caries using next generation sequencing |
600 | dynamics of microbial community composition and soil organic carbon mineralization in soil following addition of pyrogenic and fresh organic matter |
601 | implication of the gut microbiome composition of type 2 diabetic patients from northern china |
602 | linking the belowground microbial composition, diversity and activity to soilborne disease suppression and growth promotion of tomato amended with biochar |
603 | structural and functional changes in prokaryotic communities in artificial pit mud during chinese baijiu production |
604 | 16s rrna gene sequencing reveals an altered composition of the gut microbiota in chickens infected with a nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus |
605 | a microbiome case-control study of recurrent acute otitis media identified potentially protective bacterial genera |
606 | the penile microbiota of black south african men: relationship with human papillomavirus and hiv infection |
607 | the nasal and gut microbiome in parkinson's disease and idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. |
608 | interactions between biochar and nitrogen impact soil carbon
mineralization and the microbial community |
609 | |
610 | gasification biochar has limited effects on functional and structural
diversity of soil microbial communities in a temperate agroecosystem |
611 | effects of sex and chronic cigarette smoke exposure on the mouse cecal microbiome |
612 | prokaryotic and viral community composition of freshwater springs in florida, usa |
613 | effect of salinity on the gut microbiome of pike fry (esox lucius) |
614 | context-dependent dynamics lead to the assembly of functionally distinct microbial communities |
615 | unlocking the bacterial and fungal communities assemblages of sugarcane microbiome |
616 | variations in soil bacterial communities and putative functions in a sugarcane soil following five years of chemical fertilization |
617 | shift in the cow milk microbiota during alpine pasture as analyzed by culture dependent and high-throughput sequencing techniques |
618 | spatio-temporal and cultivar-dependent variations in the cannabis microbiome |
619 | cftr dysregulation drives active selection of the gut microbiome |
620 | the microbiome and resistome of chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans across host lifestyle and geography |
621 | bacterial community profiling highlights complex diversity and novel organisms in wildlife ticks |
622 | development of the ileal microbiota in three broiler breeds |
623 | diversity of navel microbiome in young adults |
624 | structural changes of soil organic matter and the linkage to rhizosphere
bacterial communities with biochar amendment in manure
fertilized soils |
625 | captivity humanizes the primate microbiome |
626 | the fecal microbiota of wild and captive raptors |
627 | gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with reduced dynamics of gut microbiota during the first half of pregnancy |
628 | changes in abundance and composition of nitrifying communities
in barley (hordeum vulgare l.) rhizosphere and bulk soils
over the growth period following combined biochar
and urea amendment |
629 | hiv-associated gut dysbiosis is independent of sexual practice and correlates with noncommunicable diseases |
630 | a critical mutualism – competition interplay underlies the loss of microbial diversity in sedentary lifestyle |
631 | long-term effects of biochar amendment on rhizosphere and bulk soil
microbial communities in a karst region, southwest china |
632 | the cecal and fecal microbiomes and metabolomes of horses before and after metronidazole administration |
633 | 16s rrna gene amplicon profiling of baby and adult captive elephants in thailand |
634 | influence of the long-term use of oral hygiene products containing stannous ions on the salivary microbiome – a randomized controlled trial |
635 | respiratory microbiota of humpback whales may be reduced in diversity and richness the longer they fast |
636 | respiratory tract dysbiosis is associated with worse outcomes in mechanically-ventilated patients |
637 | association of gut microbiota during early pregnancy with risk of incident gestational diabetes mellitus: a nested case-control study |
638 | bacterial microbiota diversity and composition in red and white wines correlate with plant-derived dna contributions and botrytis infection |
639 | uncovering the microbiome of invasive sympatric european brown hares and european rabbits in australia |
640 | pregnancy-related ecological shifts of salivary microbiota and its association with salivary sex hormones |
641 | the effect of diet on the gastrointestinal microbiome of juvenile rehabilitating green turtles (chelonia mydas) |
642 | temporal, environmental, and biological drivers of the mucosal microbiome in a wild marine fish, scomber japonicus. msphere 5: e00401-20 |
643 | modulation of gut microbiota in korean navy trainees following a healthy lifestyle change |
644 | gut microbiome composition in the hispanic community health study/study of latinos is shaped by geographic relocation, environmental factors, and obesity |
645 | california condor microbiomes: bacterial variety and functional properties in captivebred individuals |
646 | analysis of lung microbiota in bronchoalveolar lavage, protected brush and sputum samples from subjects with mild-to-moderate cystic fibrosis lung disease |
647 | columbia spotted frogs (rana luteiventris) have characteristic skin microbiota that may be shaped by cutaneous skin peptides and the environment |
648 | effects of metronidazole on the fecal microbiome and metabolome in healthy dogs |
649 | the microbial biogeography of the gastrointestinal tract of preterm and term lambs |
650 | us nativity and dietary acculturation impact the gut microbiome in a diverse us population |
651 | characterizing dysbiosis of gut microbiome in pd: evidence for overabundance of opportunistic pathogens |
652 | oral microbiota perturbations are linked to high risk for rheumatoid arthritis |
653 | inter-personal diversity and temporal dynamics of dental, tongue, and salivary microbiota in the healthy oral cavity |
654 | microbial composition of kombucha determined using amplicon sequencing and shotgun metagenomics |
655 | enteral nutrition in pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic sct promotes the recovery of gut microbiome homeostasis |
656 | infections by human gastrointestinal helminths are associated with changes in faecal microbiota diversity and composition |
657 | dynamics and stabilization of the rumen microbiome in yearling tibetan sheep |
658 | ethnic variation of oral microbiota in children |
659 | antibiotic cocktail for pediatric acute severe colitis and the microbiome: the prasco randomized controlled trial |
660 | market integration predicts human gut microbiome attributes across a gradient of economic development |
661 | high‑throughput sequencing reveals the gut and lung prokaryotic community profles of the chinese giant salamander (andrias davidianus) |
662 | the combined effects of treated wastewater irrigation and plastic mulch cover on soil and crop microbial communities |
663 | obesity and disease severity magnify disturbed microbiome-immune interactions in asthma patients |
664 | assessment of a metabarcoding approach for the characterisation of vector-borne bacteria in canines from bangkok, thailand |
665 | establishment and convergence of photosynthetic microbial biomats in shallow unit process open-water wetlands |
666 | deciphering the impact of diet and host physiology on the mammalian gut microbiome by multi-omics approaches |
667 | functional structure, taxonomic composition and the dominant assembly processes of soil prokaryotic community along an altitudinal gradient |
668 | the fecal microbiota in the domestic cat (felis catus) is influenced by interactions between age and diet; a five year longitudinal study |
669 | fecal microbiome and metabolome of infants fed bovine mfgm supplemented formula or standard formula with breast-fed infants as reference: a randomized controlled trial |
670 | microbiota and gut ultrastructure of anisakis pegreffii isolated from stranded cetaceans in the adriatic sea |
671 | maturation of the infant rhesus macaque gut microbiome and its role in the development of diarrheal disease |
672 | amplicon sequencing provides more accurate microbiome information in healthy children compared to culturing |
673 | salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium temporally modulates the enteric microbiota and host responses to overcome colonization resistance in swine |
674 | habitat disturbance and the organization of bacterial communities in neotropical hematophagous arthropods |
675 | rhizosphere bacterial community in watermelon-wheat
intercropping was more stable than in watermelon
monoculture system under fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
niveum invasion |
676 | characterization of the marine aquaculture microbiome: a seasonal survey in a seabass farm |
677 | comparative analysis of the tonsillar microbiota in iga nephropathy and other glomerular diseases |
678 | dental black plaque: metagenomic characterization and comparative analysis with white-plaque |
679 | association between the microbiomes of tonsil and saliva samples isolated from pediatric patients subjected to tonsillectomy for the treatment of tonsillar hyperplasia |
680 | human gut microbiome response to short-term bifidobacterium-based probiotic treatment |
681 | compositional and functional changes in the gut microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome patients. |
682 | the differential vertical distribution of the airborne biological particles reveals an atmospheric reservoir of microbial pathogens and aeroallergens |
683 | antibiotics-driven gut microbiome perturbation alters immunity to vaccines in humans |
684 | characterisation of the nasal microbiota in granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
685 | gastric helicobacter pylori infection perturbs human oral microbiota |
686 | bio-fertilizer application induces soil suppressiveness against
fusarium wilt disease by reshaping the soil microbiome |
687 | determination of microbiological characteristics in the digestive tract of different ruminant species |
688 | evaluating the profound effect of gut microbiome on host appetite in pigs |
689 | integrated meta-omics reveals a fungus-associated bacteriome and distinct functional pathways in clostridioides difficile infection |
690 | increasing dietary fiber intake is associated with a distinct esophageal microbiome |
691 | microbiome of drinking water: a full-scale spatio-temporal study to monitor water quality in the paris distribution system |
692 | presence and persistence of pseudomonas sp. during caspian sea-style spontaneous milk fermentation highlights the importance of safety and regulatory concerns for traditional and ethnic foods |
693 | alterations in gut microbiome composition and barrier function are associated with reproductive and metabolic defects in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos): a pilot study |
694 | correlation between fecal metabolomics and gut microbiota in obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome |
695 | microbial signature in ige-mediated food allergies |
696 | microbiome and environment explain the absence of correlations between consumers and their diet in bornean microsnails |
711 | patterns of oral microbiota diversity in adults and children: a crowdsourced population study |
697 | effect of different sweeteners on the oral microbiota and immune system of sprague dawley rats |
698 | linking tree health, rhizosphere physicochemical properties, and microbiome in acute oak decline |
699 | microbiome variability across the native and invasive range of the ascidian clavelina oblonga |
700 | antibiotic affects the gut microbiota composition and expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and myofiber types in skeletal muscle of piglets |
701 | dietary supplementation of sodium sulfate improves rumen fermentation, fiber digestibility and plasma metabolome through modulating rumen bacterial communities in steers |
702 | c. difficile carriage in animals and the associated changes in the host fecal microbiota |
703 | obesity alters composition and diversity of the oral microbiota in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus independently of glycemic control |
704 | oral microbiota and dental caries data from monozygotic and dizygotic twin children |
705 | microbial niches in raw ingredients determine microbial community assembly during kimchi fermentation |
706 | evaluation of fecal lactobacillus populations in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy: a pilot study |
707 | microbiome and metabolome analyses reveal the disruption of lipid metabolism in systemic lupus erythematosus |
708 | dynamic gut microbiome changes to low-iron challenge |
709 | microbiome manipulation by a soil-borne fungal plant pathogen using effector proteins |
710 | a quantitative sequencing framework for absolute abundance measurements of mucosal and lumenal microbial communities |
712 | comparison of the microbiota and inorganic anion content in the saliva of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease-free individuals |
713 | integrated microbiota and metabolite profiles link crohn’s disease to sulfur metabolism |
714 | uncoupling of mucosal gene regulation, mrna splicing and adherent microbiota signatures in inflammatory bowel disease |
715 | signatures within the esophageal microbiome are associated with host genetics, age, and disease |
716 | relationship of tongue coating microbiome on volatile sulfur compounds in healthy and halitosis adults |
717 | the skin microbiome of cohabiting couples |
718 | bacterial community composition and dynamics spanning five years in freshwater bog lakes |
719 | effect of dietary fiber on the composition of the murine dental microbiome |
720 | fecal microbiomes distinguish patients with autoimmune hepatitis from healthy individuals |
721 | nondigestible carbohydrates affect metabolic health and gut microbiota in overweight adults after weight loss |
722 | 16s rrna amplicon sequencing of urban prokaryotic communities in the south bronx river estuary |
723 | indonesian children fecal microbiome from birth until weaning was different from microbiomes of their mothers |
724 | changes in vaginal microbiome in pregnant and nonpregnant women with bacterial vaginosis: toward microbiome diagnostics? |
725 | comparison of subgingival and buccal mucosa microbiome in chronic and aggressive periodontitis: a pilot study |
726 | new insights into the relationship between taste perception and oral microbiota composition |
727 | exploring the bacteriome in anthropophilic ticks: to investigate the vectors for diagnosis |
728 | fecal microbiota of toxigenic clostridioides difficile-associated diarrhea |
729 | a multi-disciplinary comparison of great ape gut microbiota in a central african forest and european zoo |
730 | exclusive enteral nutrition mediates gut microbial and metabolic changes that are associated with remission in children with crohn’s disease |
731 | oral seeding and niche-adaptation of middle ear biofilms in health |
732 | interplay between dietary phenolic compound intake and the human gut microbiome in hypertension: a cross-sectional study |
733 | spatial heterogeneity and hydrological fluctuations drive bacterioplankton community composition in an amazon floodplain system |
734 | characterization of tmao productivity from carnitine challenge facilitates personalized nutrition and microbiome signatures discovery |
735 | disruption of ruminal homeostasis by malnutrition involved in systemic ruminal microbiota-host interactions in a pregnant sheep model |
736 | dissection of the gut microbiota in mothers and children with chronic trichuris trichiura infection in pemba island, tanzania |
737 | effects of king grass and sugarcane top in the absence or presence of exogenous enzymes on the growth performance and rumen microbiota diversity of goats |
738 | impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce campylobacter |
739 | the effect of a high-grain diet on the rumen microbiome of goats with a special focus on anaerobic fungi |
740 | no impact of a short-term climatic “el niño” fluctuation on gut microbial diversity in populations of the galápagos marine iguana (amblyrhynchus cristatus) |
741 | gut bacterial communities in the freshwater snail planorbella trivolvis and their modification by a non-herbivorous diet |
742 | differences in the fecal microbiota due to the sexual niche segregation of captive gentoo penguins pygoscelis papua |
743 | exploring the gut microbiome alteration of the european hare (lepus europaeus) after short-term diet modifications |
744 | linkage between the intestinal microbiota and residual feed intake in broiler chickens |
745 | impact of demographics on human gut microbial diversity in a us midwest population |
746 | high-throughput absolute quantification sequencing reveals the effect of different fertilizer applications on bacterial community in a tomato cultivated coastal saline soil |
747 | soybean root nodule and rhizosphere microbiome: distribution of rhizobial and non-rhizobial endophytes |
748 | influence of industry standard feeding frequencies on behavioral patterns and rumen and fecal bacterial communities in holstein and jersey cows |
749 | inferences in microbial structural signatures of acne microbiome and mycobiome |
750 | root-associated microbiomes of wheat
under the combined effect of plant
development and nitrogen fertilization |
751 | changes in bacterial and fungal microbiomes
associated with tomatoes of healthy and infected by fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici |
752 | biochar application alleviated negative plant-soil feedback by modifying soil microbiome |
753 | differences in the gut microbiomes of dogs and wolves: roles of antibiotics and starch |
754 | the influence of different concentrations of
bio-organic fertilizer on cucumber fusarium
wilt and soil microflora alterations |
755 | comparative analysis of the rhizomicrobiome of the wild
versus cultivated crop: insights from rice and soybean |
756 | expeller-pressed canola (brassica napus) meal modulates the structure and function of the cecal microbiota, and alters the metabolome of the pancreas, liver, and breast muscle of broiler chickens |
757 | gut microbiome profiles and associated metabolic pathways in hiv-infected treatment-naïve patients |
758 | the bacterial communities of little cigars and cigarillos are dynamic over time and varying storage conditions |
759 | effects of domestication on the gut microbiota parallel those of human industrialization |
760 | long-term combined application
of manure and chemical fertilizer
sustained higher nutrient status
and rhizospheric bacterial diversity
in reddish paddy soil of central
south china |
761 | bulk soil and maize rhizosphere resistance genes, mobile genetic elements and microbial communities are differently impacted by organic and inorganic fertilization |
762 | effect of long‐term organic and mineral fertilization strategies on rhizosphere microbiota assemblage and performance of lettuce |
763 | glacier clear ice bands indicate englacial channel microbial distribution |
764 | impact of long-term agricultural management practices on soil prokaryotic communities |
765 | impact of no tillage vs. conventional tillage on the soil bacterial
community structure in a winter wheat cropping succession in
northern china |
766 | characterization of the fecal microbiome during neonatal and early pediatric development in puppies |
767 | deep tillage combined with biofertilizer following soil
fumigation improved chrysanthemum growth by regulating the
soil microbiome |
768 | effect of tillage and static abiotic soil properties on microbial diversity |
769 | effects of tillage practices on soil microbiome and agricultural parameters |
770 | age and sex-associated variation in the multi-site microbiome of an entire social group of free-ranging rhesus macaques |
771 | microbiome diversity of cotton aphids (aphis gossypii) is associated with host alternation |
772 | bacterial composition and diversity in deep-sea sediments from the southern colombian caribbean sea |
773 | aberrant mucosal immunoreaction to tonsillar microbiota in immunoglobulin a nephropathy |
774 | the human oral cavity microbiota composition during acute tonsillitis: a cross-sectional survey |
794 | differential effects of antiretrovirals on microbial translocation and gut microbiota composition of hiv-infected patients |
775 | helicobacter pylori infection is correlated with the incidence of erosive oral lichen planus and the alteration of the oral microbiome composition |
776 | cecal microbiome profile of hawaiian feral chickens and pasture-raised broiler (commercial) chickens determined using 16s rrna amplicon sequencing |
777 | a longitudinal study of the development of the saliva microbiome in infants 2 days to 5 years compared to the microbiome in adolescents |
778 | multi-omics analysis to examine microbiota, host gene expression and metabolites in the intestine of black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon) with different growth performance |
779 | diet-microbiota-metabolite interaction networks reveal key players in inflammatory bowel disease |
780 | probiotic properties of lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei l1 and its growth performance-promotion in chicken by improving the intestinal microflora |
781 | host phylogeny and host ecology structure the mammalian gut microbiota at different taxonomic scales |
782 | effects of aging on the skin and gill microbiota of farmed seabass and seabream |
783 | the responses to long-term water addition of soil bacterial,
archaeal, and fungal communities in a desert ecosystem |
784 | vegetation zonation predicts soil carbon mineralization and microbial communities in southern new england salt marshes |
785 | probiotics mediated gut microbiota diversity shifts are associated with reduction in histopathology and shedding of lawsonia intracellularis |
786 | floodplain soil and its bacterial composition are
strongly affected by depth |
787 | real-time monitoring of ruminal microbiota reveals their roles in dairy goats during subacute ruminal acidosis |
788 | investigating the effects of nitrogen deposition and substrates on the microbiome and mycobiome of the millipede cherokia georgiana georgiana (diplopoda … |
789 | influence of taxonomic and functional content of microbial communities on the quality of fermented cocoa pulp-bean mass |
790 | bacillus-based probiotic treatment modified bacteriobiome diversity in duck feces |
791 | bacterial community composition and assembly along a natural
sodicity/salinity gradient in surface and subsurface soils |
792 | culture-dependent and culture-independent characterization of bacterial community diversity in different types of sandy lands: the case of minqin county, china |
793 | 16s rrna gene amplicon-based metagenomic analysis of bacterial communities in the rhizospheres of selected mangrove species from mida creek and gazi bay, kenya |
795 | microbiota continuum along the chicken oviduct and its association with host genetics and egg formation |
796 | alterations of gut microbiota in patients with graves’ disease |
797 | randomized controlled trial on the impact of early-life intervention with bifidobacteria on the healthy infant fecal microbiota and metabolome |
798 | effect of biofertilizers application on soil biodiversity and litter degradation in a commercial apricot orchard |
799 | low-carbohydrate high-fat weight reduction diet induces changes in human gut microbiota |
800 | heavy metal spill influences bacterial communities in freshwater sediments |
801 | the effects of soil depth on the structure of microbial communities in agricultural soils in iowa (united states) |
802 | human salivary amylase gene copy number impacts oral and gut microbiomes |
803 | associations between diet, the gut microbiome, and short-chain fatty acid production among older caribbean latino adults |
804 | immunoglobulin recognition of fecal bacteria in stunted and non-stunted children: findings from the afribiota study |
805 | enrichment of the airway microbiome in people living with hiv with potential pathogenic bacteria despite antiretroviral therapy |
806 | the effect of cigarette smoking on the oral and nasal microbiota |
807 | extreme storms cause rapid but short-lived shifts in nearshore subtropical bacterial communities |
808 | gut microbial composition and predicted functions are not associated with feather pecking and antagonistic behavior in laying hens |
809 | composition and diversity of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of the chinese medicinal herb dendrobium |
810 | impact of plastic debris on the gut microbiota of caretta caretta from northwestern adriatic sea |
811 | microbial community structure driven by a volcanic gradient in glaciers of the antarctic archipelago south shetland |
812 | age-associated variation in the gut microbiota of chinstrap penguins (pygoscelis antarctica) reveals differences in food metabolism |
813 | canopy soil bacterial communities altered by severing host tree limbs |
814 | caloric restriction disrupts the microbiota and colonization resistance |
815 | comparative analyses of the gut microbiome of two fox species, the red fox (vulpes vulpes) and corsac fox (vulpes corsac), that occupy different ecological niches<br>https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01806-8 |
816 | remodeling of the maternal gut microbiome during pregnancy is shaped by parity |
817 | profiling the airway in the macaque model of tuberculosis reveals variable microbial dysbiosis and alteration of community structure |
818 | dietary oregano essential oil supplementation improves intestinal functions and alters gut microbiota in late-phase laying hens |
819 | changes of the human skin microbiota upon chronic exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollutants |
820 | bacteria utilizing plant-derived carbon in the rhizosphere of triticum aestivum change in different depths of an arable soil |
821 | soil depth and crop determinants of bacterial communities under ten biofuel cropping systems |
822 | effect of sequentially fed high protein, hydrolyzed protein, and high fiber diets on the fecal microbiota of healthy dogs: a cross-over study |
823 | viral abundance and diversity vary with depth in a southeastern united
states agricultural ultisol |
824 | decreased temporary turnover of bacterial communities along soil depth
gradient during a 35-year grazing exclusion period in a semiarid grassland |
825 | gut microbiota dysbiosis in chinese children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: an observational study |
826 | microbiota populations in supragingival plaque, subgingival plaque, and saliva habitats of adult dogs |
827 | preferential flow paths shape the structure of bacterial
communities in a clayey till depth profile |
828 | soil depth determines the composition and
diversity of bacterial and archaeal communities in a
poplar plantation |
829 | lysogenic reproductive strategies of viral communities vary with soil depth
and are correlated with bacterial diversity |
830 | altered iga response to gut bacteria is associated with childhood asthma in peru |
831 | fecal microbiome signatures of pancreatic cancer patients |
832 | gut microbiome profiles are associated with type 2 diabetes in urban africans |
833 | strenuous physical training, physical fitness, body composition and bacteroides to prevotella ratio in the gut of elderly athletes<br>prjna731908 |
834 | benchmark of 16s rrna gene amplicon sequencing using japanese gut microbiome data from the v1–v2 and v3–v4 primer sets<br>prjna715083 |
835 | benchmark of 16s rrna gene amplicon sequencing using japanese gut microbiome data from the v1–v2 and v3–v4 primer sets |
837 | soil microbiomes with distinct assemblies through vertical soil profiles drive the cycling of multiple nutrients in reforested ecosystems |
838 | influenza a virus infection in turkeys induces respiratory and enteric bacterial dysbiosis correlating with cytokine gene expression |
839 | diurnal oscillations in gut bacterial load and composition eclipse seasonal and lifetime dynamics in wild meerkats |
840 | effect of organic acids on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and immunity of broiler chickens with and without coccidial challenge |
841 | impact of diabetes on the gut and salivary iga microbiomes |
842 | depth-dependent influence of different land-use systems on bacterial biogeography |
843 | non-celiac gluten/wheat sensitivity: clinical characteristics and microbiota and mycobiota composition by response to the gluten challenge test |
844 | supplementation with sucrosomial iron leads to favourable changes in the intestinal microbiome when compared to ferrous sulfate in mice |
845 | |
846 | salivary gluten degradation and oral microbial profiles in healthy individuals and celiac disease patients |
847 | novel bile acid biosynthetic pathways are enriched in the microbiome of centenarians |
848 | gut microbiota trajectory in early life may predict development of celiac disease |
849 | alterations of the fecal microbiota in chinese patients with multiple sclerosis |
850 | microbiome compositions from infertile couples seeking in vitro fertilization, using 16s rrna gene sequencing methods: any correlation to clinical outcomes? |
851 | body mass index and sex affect diverse microbial niches within the gut |
852 | investigation of the impact of commonly used medications on the oral microbiome of individuals living without major chronic conditions |
853 | developmental stage, solid food introduction and suckling cessation differentially influence the co-maturation of the gut microbiota and intestinal epithelium in rabbits |
854 | the structure of bacterial communities along two vertical profiles of a
deep colluvial soil |
855 | organic carbon availability limiting microbial
denitrification in the deep vadose zone |
856 | ecological and network analyses identify four microbial species with potential significance for the diagnosis/treatment of ulcerative colitis (uc) |
857 | bacterial microbiota of field-collected helicoverpa zea (lepidoptera: noctuidae) from transgenic bt and non-bt cotton |
858 | fermentation characteristics and bacterial dynamics during chinese sauerkraut fermentation by lactobacillus curvatus lc-20 under varied salt concentrations reveal its potential in low-salt suan cai production |
859 | lactose-reduced infant formula with added corn syrup solids is associated with a distinct gut microbiota in hispanic infants<br>prjna589488 |
860 | environmental fluoride exposure disrupts the intestinal structure and gut microbiota alteration in duck |
861 | gut microbiome profiling of a rural and urban south african cohort reveals biomarkers of a population in lifestyle transition |
862 | the gut microbiome and metabolome of himalayan griffons (gyps himalayensis): insights into the adaptation to carrion-feeding habits in avian scavengers |
863 | comparative analysis of gut microbial composition and potential functions in captive forest and alpine musk deer |
864 | unveiling the fecal microbiota in two captive mexican wolf (canis lupus baileyi) populations receiving different type of diets |
865 | analysis and comparison of the wolf microbiome under different environmental factors using three different data of next generation sequencing |
866 | a potential role for stress-induced microbial alterations in iga-associated irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea |
867 | changes in the gut microbiota composition during pregnancy in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) |
868 | changes in iga-targeted microbiota following fecal transplantation for recurrent clostridioides difficile infection |
869 | compensatory intestinal antibody response against pro-inflammatory microbiota after bariatric surgery |
870 | short‐term high intensity interval training (hiit) exercise does not affect gut bacterial community diversity or composition of lean and overweight men |
871 | compensatory intestinal immunoglobulin response after vancomycin treatment in humans |
872 | gut microbiomes from gambian infants reveal the development of a non-industrialized prevotella-based trophic network |
873 | population structure of human gut bacteria in a diverse cohort from rural tanzania and botswana<br>prjna395034 |
874 | dietary carbohydrate intake is associated with the subgingival plaque oral microbiome abundance and diversity in a cohort of postmenopausal women |
875 | intestinal parasites in rural communities in nan province, thailand: changes in bacterial gut microbiota associated with minute intestinal fluke infection |
876 | microbial structure and function in infant and juvenile rhesus macaques are primarily affected by age, not vaccination status |
877 | reduced b12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans |
878 | structural variation of the bacterial community associated with airborne particulate matter in beijing during haze and non-haze days |
879 | wolves, dogs and humans in regular contact can mutually impact each other’s skin microbiota |
880 | gut microbiota composition in patients with newly diagnosed bipolar disorder and their unaffected first-degree relatives |
881 | influence of lactobacillus kefiri on intestinal microbiota and fecal iga content of healthy dogs |
882 | root-associated bacteria community characteristics of antarctic plants: deschampsia antarctica and colobanthus quitensis—a comparison |
883 | history of petroleum disturbance triggering the depth-resolved assembly process of microbial communities in the vadose zone |
899 | metal resistant gut microbiota facilitates snails feeding on metal hyperaccumulator plant sedum alfredii in the phytoremediation field |
884 | impact of individual traits, saturated fat, and protein source on the gut microbiome |
885 | high-dose saccharin supplementation does not induce gut microbiota changes or glucose intolerance in healthy humans and mice |
886 | bacterial community structure and metabolic potential in microbialite-forming mats from south australian saline lakes |
887 | diverse coral reef invertebrates exhibit patterns of phylosymbiosis |
888 | tracking the dairy microbiota from farm bulk tank to skimmed milk powder |
889 | the comparative analysis of the ruminal bacterial population in reindeer (rangifer tarandus l.) from the russian arctic zone: regional and seasonal effects |
890 | captive environment influences the composition and diversity of fecal microbiota in indo‐pacific bottlenose dolphins, tursiops aduncus |
891 | persistent gut microbiota immaturity in malnourished bangladeshi children |
892 | maturation of the oral microbiome in caries-free toddlers: a longitudinal study |
893 | manure-based amendments influence surface-associated bacteria and markers of antibiotic resistance on radishes grown in different soil textures |
894 | the phyllosphere microbiome shifts toward combating melanose pathogen |
895 | intestinal inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis is associated with crohn’s-like microbiota disturbances |
896 | the dynamics of interacting bacterial and fungal communities of the mouse colon following antibiotics. |
897 | layers, broiler chickens and their f1 cross develop distinctly different caecal microbial communities when hatched and reared together |
898 | individual and site-specific variation in a biogeographical profile of the coyote gastrointestinal microbiota |
900 | diverse sediment microbiota shape methane emission temperature sensitivity in arctic lakes |
901 | sediment microbiomes associated with the rhizosphere of emergent macrophytes in a shallow, subtropical lake |
902 | the effects of signalment, diet, geographic location, season, and colitis associated with antimicrobial use or salmonella infection on the fecal microbiome of horses |
903 | a metagenetic insight into microbial diversity of spontaneously fermented polish red wines and an analysis of selected physicochemical properties |
904 | vitamin d 3 nutritional status affects gut health of salmonella-challenged laying hens |
905 | bacterial communities in the gastrointestinal tract segments of helminth-resistant and helminth-susceptible sheep |
906 | shades of grey: host phenotype dependent effect of urbanization on the bacterial microbiome of a wild mammal |
907 | microbial community composition in municipal wastewater treatment bioreactors follows a distance decay pattern primarily controlled by environmental heterogeneity |
908 | the effect of ryegrass silage feeding on equine fecal microbiota and blood metabolite profile |
909 | cage and maternal effects on the bacterial communities of the murine gut |
910 | evolution of rumen and oral microbiota in calves is influenced by age and time of weaning |
911 | profile of gut microbiota in patients with traumatic thoracic spinal cord injury and its clinical implications: a case-control study in a rehabilitation setting |
912 | influence of environmental stressors on the microbiota of zebra mussels (dreissena polymorpha) |
913 | effect of dietary yeast culture supplementation on the cecal microbiota modulation of geese |
914 | comparative analysis of gut microbiota in healthy and diarrheic yaks |
915 | sampling a gradient of red snow algae bloom density reveals novel connections between microbial communities and environmental features |
916 | use of bayes factors to evaluate the effects of host genetics, litter and cage on the rabbit cecal microbiota |
917 | influence of bacterial community diversity, functionality, and soil factors on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons under various vegetation types in mangrove wetlands |
918 | increase in bifidobacterium is a characteristic of the difference in the salivary microbiota of pregnant and non-pregnant women |
919 | breastmilk influences development and composition of the oral microbiome |
920 | kimchi intake alleviates obesity-induced neuroinflammation by modulating the gut-brain axis |
921 | characterization of the skin microbiota of the cane toad rhinella cf. marina in puerto rico and costa rica |
922 | maturation of the oral microbiome in caries-free toddlers: a longitudinal study |
923 | proteomic and microbiota analyses of the oral cavity during psychological stress |
924 | metabolic differences of the oral microbiome related to dental caries – a pilot study |
925 | high-throughput dna sequencing of microbiota at interproximal sites |
926 | oral microbiomes in children with asthma and dental caries. oral diseases |
927 | gut microbiota plasticity in insular lizards under reversed island syndrome |
928 | gut microbiome of native arab kuwaitis |
929 | characterization of rumen microbiota of two sheep breeds supplemented with direct-fed lactic acid bacteria |
930 | electronic cigarette use promotes a unique periodontal microbiome |
931 | representativeness of fecal microbiota is limited to cecum and colon in domestic yak |
932 | habitat and host species drive the structure of bacterial communities of two neotropical trap-jaw odontomachus ants |
933 | a comparison of rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria in early and late-maturing pumpkin varieties |
934 | chicken jejunal microbiota improves growth performance by mitigating intestinal inflammation |
935 | western diet-induced shifts in the maternal microbiome are associated with altered microrna expression in baboon placenta and fetal liver |
936 | host phylogeny, habitat, and diet are main drivers of the cephalopod and mollusk gut microbiome |
937 | elucidation of the initial bacterial community of ezine pdo cheese using next-generation sequencing |
938 | gut microbiome insights from 16s rrna analysis of 17-year periodical cicadas (hemiptera: magicicada spp.) broods ii, vi, and x |
939 | seasonal characterization of the prokaryotic microbiota of full-scale anaerobic uasb reactors treating domestic sewage in southern brazil |
940 | study of cattle microbiota in different regions of kazakhstan using 16s metabarcoding analysis |
941 | influence of occupational exposure to pigs or chickens on human gut microbiota composition in thailand |
942 | dynamic analysis of the microbial communities and metabolome of healthy banana rhizosphere soil during one growth cycle |
943 | a six-day, lifestyle-based immersion program mitigates cardiovascular risk factors and induces shifts in gut microbiota, specifically lachnospiraceae, ruminococcaceae, faecalibacterium prausnitzii: a pilot study |
944 | colonic microbiota is associated with inflammation and host epigenomic alterations in inflammatory bowel disease |
945 | the oral microbiome and lung cancer risk: an analysis of 3 prospective cohort studies |
947 | diet standardization reduces intra-individual microbiome variation |
948 | changes in bacterial community structure across the different life stages of black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) |
949 | wild microbiomes of striped plateau lizards vary with reproductive season, sex, and body size |
950 | gut microbiome is affected by inter-sexual and inter-seasonal variation in diet for thick-billed murres (uria lomvia) |
951 | high throughput sequencing reveals distinct bacterial communities and functional diversity in two typical coastal bays |
952 | chronic clinical signs of upper respiratory tract disease associate with gut and respiratory microbiomes in a cohort of domestic felines |
953 | evaluation of the variations in chemical and microbiological properties of the sourdoughs produced with selected lactic acid bacteria strains during fermentation |
954 | iron deficient diets modify the gut microbiome and reduce the severity of enteric infection in a mouse model of s. typhimurium-induced enterocolitis |
955 | assessment of changes in the oral microbiome that occur in dogs with periodontal disease |
956 | cooked common bean flour, but not its protein hydrolysate, has the potential to improve gut microbiota composition and function in balb/c mice fed a high-fat diet added with 6-propyl-2-thiouracil |
957 | oral dysbiosis and its linkage with sars-cov-2 infection |
958 | gut microbiome alterations associated with diabetes in mexican americans in south texas |
959 | 16s rrna and metagenomic shotgun sequencing data revealed consistent patterns of gut microbiome signature in pediatric ulcerative colitis |
960 | dynamics of the infant gut microbiota in the first 18 months of life: the impact of maternal hiv infection and breastfeeding |
961 | large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition |
962 | coffee consumption modulates amoxicillin-induced dysbiosis in the murine gut microbiome |
963 | growth promotion and antibiotic induced metabolic shifts in the chicken gut microbiome |
964 | soil bacterial community along an altitudinal gradient in the sumaco, a stratovolcano in the amazon region |
965 | a deep dive into the epibiotic communities on aquacultured sugar kelp saccharina latissima in southern new england |
966 | interactions between fecal gut microbiome, enteric pathogens, and energy regulating hormones among acutely malnourished rural gambian children |
967 | aging gut microbiota of wild macaques are equally diverse, less stable, but progressively personalized |
968 | dysbiosis of skin microbiota with increased fungal diversity is associated with severity of disease in atopic dermatitis |
969 | functional and seasonal changes in the structure of microbiome inhabiting bottom sediments of a pond intended for ecological king carp farming |
970 | rapid changes in coastal ocean microbiomes uncoupled with shifts in environmental variables |
971 | gut microbiota predicts body fat change following a low-energy diet: a preview intervention study |
972 | impact of a 7-day homogeneous diet on interpersonal variation in human gut microbiomes and metabolomes |
973 | differences in composition of interdigital skin microbiota predict sheep and feet that develop footrot |
974 | the gut microbiome of exudivorous marmosets in the wild and captivity |
975 | microbiomes of hadal fishes across trench habitats contain similar taxa and known piezophiles |
976 | vaginal atopobium is associated with spontaneous abortion in the first trimester: a prospective cohort study in china |
977 | investigating the influence of food safety management systems (fsms) on microbial diversity of canastra cheeses and their processing environments |
978 | analysis of gut microbiome profiles in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) in health and intestinal disease |
979 | dna- and rna-based bacterial communities and geochemical zonation under changing sediment porewater dynamics on the aldabra atoll |
980 | altered gut bacterial–fungal interkingdom networks in patients with current depressive episode |
981 | large comparative analyses of primate body site microbiomes indicate that the oral microbiome is unique among all body sites and conserved among nonhuman primates |
982 | comparative study of the function and structure of the gut microbiota in siberian musk deer and forest musk deer |
983 | a correlation study of the microbiota between oral cavity and tonsils in children with tonsillar hypertrophy |
984 | characterizing the oral and distal gut microbiota of the threatened southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis) to enhance conservation practice |
985 | determinants and interactions of oral bacterial and fungal microbiota in healthy chinese adults |
986 | gut microbiota of the threatened takahē: biogeographic patterns and conservation implications |
987 | assessment of the microbiological origin of blowing defects in grana padano protected designation of origin cheese |
988 | the impact of mouthwash on the oropharyngeal microbiota of men who have sex with men: a substudy of the omega trial |
989 | high-throughput sequencing analysis of the composition and diversity of the bacterial community in cinnamomum camphora soil |
990 | symbiotic microbiome and metabolism profiles reveal the effects of induction by oysters on the metamorphosis of the carnivorous gastropod rapana venosa |
991 | the inconsistent microbiota of budu, the malaysian fermented anchovy sauce, revealed through 16s amplicon sequencing |
992 | microbiomes of an oyster are shaped by metabolism and environment<br>prjna663356<br>https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-00590-2 |
993 | the structure of the cereal leaf beetle (oulema melanopus) microbiome depends on the insect’s developmental stage, host plant, and origin |
1009 | gut microbiome of wild baltic salmon (salmo salar l.) parr |
994 | diet diversity and environment determine the intestinal microbiome and bacterial pathogen load of fire salamanders |
995 | captivity and the co-diversification of great ape microbiomes |
996 | anthropogenic activities destabilized riverine bacterial communities by increasing synchrony between taxa |
997 | salivary microbiome variation in early childhood caries of children 3–6 years of age and its association with iron deficiency anemia and extrinsic black stain |
998 | mechanical biofilm disruption causes microbial and immunological shifts in periodontitis patients |
999 | longitudinal study of the scalp microbiome suggests coconut oil to enrich healthy scalp commensals |
1000 | metagenomic 16s rdna amplicon data of microbial diversity of guts in vietnamese humans with type 2 diabetes and nondiabetic adults |
1001 | nasopharyngeal microbial communities of patients infected with sars-cov-2 that developed covid-19 |
1002 | japanese quail (coturnix japonica) as a novel model to study the relationship between the avian microbiome and microbial endocrinology-based host-microbe interactions |
1003 | alterations in the gut bacterial microbiome in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy |
1005 | a biogeographic 16s rrna survey of bacterial communities of ureolytic biomineralization from california public restrooms |
1006 | host genetics and environment shape the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiome in nonhuman primates |
1007 | gut microbiota of endangered crested ibis: establishment, diversity, and association with reproductive output |
1008 | comparison of bacterial and archaeal communities in two fertilizer doses and soil compartments under continuous cultivation system of garlic |
1010 | diet-induced remission in chronic enteropathy is associated with altered microbial community structure and synthesis of secondary bile acids |
1011 | changes in gut bacterial communities in canaries infected by macrorhabdus ornithogaster |
1012 | beehives possess their own distinct microbiomes |
1013 | diversity and dynamics of seaweed associated microbial communities inhabiting the lagoon of venice |
1014 | diversity of bacteria populations associated with different thallus regions of the brown alga laminaria digitata |
1015 | mapping the surface microbiome and metabolome of brown seaweed fucus vesiculosus by amplicon sequencing, integrated metabolomics and imaging … |
1016 | a multi-omics analysis suggests links between the differentiated surface metabolome and epiphytic microbiota along the thallus of a mediterranean seaweed holobiont |
1017 | dysbiosis of a microbiota–immune metasystem in critical illness is associated with nosocomial infections |
1018 | neurodevelopment correlates with gut microbiota in a cross-sectional analysis of children at 3 years of age in rural china |
1019 | dominating taxonomic composition of the early life gut microbiota and influencing factors in infants up to seven months of age in latvia |
1020 | gut microbiota associated with clinical relapse in patients with quiescent ulcerative colitis |
1021 | metagenomic 16s rdna amplicon datasets from adolescents with normal weight, obesity, and obesity with irritable bowel syndrome from eastern siberia, russia |
1022 | altered gut microbiota and shift in bacteroidetes between young obese and normal-weight korean children: a cross-sectional observational study |
1023 | effects of age, seasonality, and reproductive status on the gut microbiome of southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum) at the north carolina zoo |
1024 | dysbiosis in children with neurological impairment and long-term enteral nutrition |
1025 | influence of a 3-month low-calorie mediterranean diet compared to the vegetarian diet on human gut microbiota and scfa: the cardiveg study |
1026 | substitution of a commercial diet with raw meat complemented with vegetable foods containing chickpeas or peas affects faecal microbiome in healthy dogs |
1027 | effects of dietary fat on gut microbiota and faecal metabolites, and their relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors: a 6-month randomised controlled-feeding trial |
1028 | ethnic differences shape the alpha but not beta diversity of gut microbiota from school children in the absence of environmental differences |
1029 | metabolic and inflammatory profiles, gut microbiota and lifestyle factors in overweight and normal weight young thai adults |
1030 | spatial and sexual divergence of gut bacterial communities in field cricket teleogryllus occipitalis (orthoptera: gryllidae) |
1031 | ramen consumption and gut microbiota diversity in japanese women: cross-sectional data from the nexis cohort study |
1032 | multi-year seabed environmental baseline in deep-sea offshore oil prospective areas established using microbial biodiversity |
1033 | salivary microbiome profiles of oral cancer patients analyzed before and after treatment |
1034 | the effect of physical and psychological stress on the oral microbiome |
1035 | oral microbiome traits of type 1 diabetes and phenylketonuria patients in latvia |
1036 | functional and metabolic alterations of gut microbiota in children with new-onset type 1 diabetes |
1037 | global change-driven use of onshore habitat impacts polar bear faecal microbiota |
1038 | distinct gut microbiomes in two polar bear subpopulations inhabiting different sea ice ecoregions |
1039 | analysis of scat for gut microbiome identification in wolves from a mediterranean and an alpine area |
1040 | the plaque microbiota community of giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) cubs with dental caries |
1086 | ixodes scapularis microbiome correlates with life stage, not the presence of human pathogens, in ticks submitted for diagnostic testing |
1041 | gut microbiota structure differs between honeybees in winter and summer |
1042 | gut microbiome markers in subgroups of hla class ii genotyped infants signal future celiac disease in the general population: abis study |
1043 | comprehensive analysis of gut microbiota of a healthy population and covariates affecting microbial variation in two large japanese cohorts |
1044 | comprehensive analysis of gut microbiota of a healthy population and covariates affecting microbial variation in two large japanese cohorts |
1045 | the gut microbiota contributes to changes in the host immune response induced by trichinella spiralis |
1046 | sediment-driven plastisphere community assembly on plastic debris in tropical coastal and marine environments |
1047 | characterization of the salivary microbiome in healthy thai children |
1048 | characterization of the oral microbiome among children with type 1 diabetes compared with healthy children |
1049 | tonsillar microbiota: a cross-sectional study of patients with chronic tonsillitis or tonsillar hypertrophy |
1050 | neighborhood socioeconomic status is associated with low diversity gut microbiomes and multi-drug resistant microorganism colonization |
1051 | effects of different forage proportions in fermented total mixed ration on muscle fatty acid profile and rumen microbiota in lambs |
1052 | a display and analysis platform for gut microbiomes of minority people and phenotypic data in china |
1053 | characterization of the skin microbiota in bullous pemphigoid patients and controls reveals novel microbial indicators of disease |
1054 | gut microbiota composition changes in constipated women of reproductive age |
1055 | signs of aging in midlife: physical function and sex differences in microbiota |
1056 | gut microbiome and dietary patterns in different saudi populations and monkeys |
1057 | structural and functional dysbiosis of fecal microbiota in chinese patients with alzheimer's disease |
1058 | stool energy density is positively correlated to intestinal transit time and related to microbial enterotypes |
1059 | composition and diversity of gut microbiota in diabetic retinopathy |
1060 | alterations of the intestinal microbiota in age-related macular degeneration |
1061 | gut microbiota of the critically endangered saiga antelope across two wild populations in a year without mass mortality |
1062 | stress and the microbiome: linking glucocorticoids to bacterial community dynamics in wild red squirrels |
1063 | glucocorticosteroids and ciclosporin do not significantly impact canine cutaneous microbiota |
1064 | weight and protozoa number but not bacteria diversity are associated with successful pair formation of dealates in the formosan subterranean termite, coptotermes formosanus |
1065 | the role of the microbiome in the metabolic health of people with schizophrenia and related psychoses: cross-sectional and pre-post lifestyle intervention analyses |
1066 | characterization of the fecal and mucosa-associated microbiota in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy |
1067 | dynamic changes of the respiratory microbiota and its relationship to fecal and blood microbiota in healthy young cats |
1068 | the oral microbiome in treatment-naïve paediatric ibd patients exhibits dysbiosis related to disease severity that resolves following therapy |
1069 | microbial community function and bacterial pathogen composition in pit latrines in peri-urban malawi |
1070 | a novel bifidobacterium/klebsiella ratio in characterization analysis of the gut and bile microbiota of cca patients |
1071 | effect of stocking density and age on physiological performance and dynamic gut bacterial and fungal communities in langya hens |
1072 | snake fungal disease alters skin bacterial and fungal diversity in an endangered rattlesnake |
1073 | core taxa and photobiont-microbial interaction within the lichen heterodermia obscurata (physcsiaceae, heterodermia) |
1074 | the effect of dietary advice aimed at increasing protein intake on oral health and oral microbiota in older adults: a randomized controlled trial |
1075 | sputum bacterial load and bacterial composition correlate with lung function and are altered by long-term azithromycin treatment in children with hiv-associated chronic lung disease |
1076 | a comparative study of the gut microbiota associated with immunoglobulin a nephropathy and membranous nephropathy |
1077 | documenting the diversity of the namibian ju|'hoansi intestinal microbiome |
1078 | a diversified dietary pattern is associated with a balanced gut microbial composition of faecalibacterium and escherichia/shigella in patients with crohn’s disease in remission |
1079 | vaginal and anal microbiome during chlamydia trachomatis infections |
1080 | rectal microbiota associated with chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae infections in men having sex with other men |
1081 | relating the gut metagenome and metatranscriptome to immunotherapy responses in melanoma patients |
1082 | a comparative study of the bacterial diversity and composition of nursery piglets’ oral fluid, feces, and housing environment |
1083 | a modified mediterranean-style diet enhances brain function via specific gut-microbiome-brain mechanisms |
1084 | cluster-specific associations between the gut microbiota and behavioral outcomes in preschool-aged children |
1085 | disentangling the gut bacterial communities of the agave weevil, scyphophorus acupunctatus (coleoptera: curculionidae) |
1087 | exploring the rumen microbiota and serum metabolite profile of hainan black goats with different body weights before weaning |
1088 | the microbiome of a pacific moon jellyfish aurelia coerulea |
1089 | saliva microbiome in relation to sars-cov-2 infection in a prospective cohort of healthy us adults |
1090 | impact of high altitude on composition and functional profiling of oral microbiome in indian male population |
1091 | oral microbiota signatures in post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) veterans |
1092 | dysbiosis in the gut microbiota in patients with inflammatory bowel disease during remission |
1093 | metagenomic data of fungal internal transcribed spacer from serofluid dish, a traditional chinese fermented food |
1094 | |
1095 | primary metabolites and microbial diversity in commercial kombucha products |
1096 | age and the aging process significantly alter the small bowel microbiome |
1097 | the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota in children is modifiable by the household dogs: impact of a canine-specific probiotic |
1098 | gut microbiome signatures of yorkshire terrier enteropathy during disease and remission |
1099 | fecal identification markers impact the feline fecal microbiota |
1100 | obese dogs exhibit different fecal microbiome and specific microbial networks compared with normal weight dogs |
1101 | gut microbiota composition in patients with crohn’s disease in saudi arabia |
1102 | ranking microbiome variance in inflammatory bowel disease: a large longitudinal intercontinental study |
1103 | bacterial taxa and functions are predictive of sustained remission following exclusive enteral nutrition in pediatric crohn’s disease |
1104 | aged related human skin microbiome and mycobiome in korean women |
1105 | host and environmental factors shape upper airway microbiota and respiratory health across the human lifespan |
1106 | functional prediction based on 16s rrna metagenome data from bacterial microbiota associated with macroalgae from the peruvian coast |
1107 | effect of plant communities on bacterial and fungal communities in a central european grassland |
1108 | microbial dynamics in newly diagnosed and treatment naïve ibd patients in the mediterranean |
1109 | immunoglobulin secretion influences the composition of chicken caecal microbiota |
1110 | the associations between gut microbiota and fecal metabolites with intelligence quotient in preschoolers |
1111 | acute sleep-wake cycle shift results in community alteration of human gut microbiome |
1112 | mixed tree nuts, cognition, and gut microbiota: a 4-week, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover trial in healthy nonelderly adults |
1113 | gut microbiota-based ensemble model predicts prognosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease |
1114 | comparative analysis of gut microbiomes in captive tigers across ex situ facilities in peninsular malaysia |
1115 | succession of rumen microbiota and metabolites across different reproductive periods in different sheep breeds and their impact on the growth and development of offspring lambs |
1116 | akkermansia muciniphila and its metabolite propionic acid maintains neuronal mitochondrial division and autophagy homeostasis during alzheimer’s disease pathologic process via gpr41 and gpr43 |