Field | Description |
name | gut microbiome composition in the hispanic community health study/study of latinos is shaped by geographic relocation, environmental factors, and obesity |
sra | erp117287 |
qiita | 11666 |
doi | |
datamd5 | 0efb27c9915c17c26de1fded6d2fb9fc |
mapmd5 | bff555d37961eadd300f1fb65c7d96c0 |
Term | Score |
hispanic or latin american | 0.400000 |
LOWER IN cuba | 0.142857 |
LOWER IN mexico | 0.142857 |
non usa born | 0.142857 |
LOWER IN usa born | 0.142857 |
usa born | 0.142857 |
LOWER IN non usa born | 0.142857 |
cuba | 0.133333 |
LOWER IN body mass index | 0.117647 |
old age | 0.105263 |
LOWER IN young age | 0.105263 |
body mass index | 0.105263 |
low bmi | 0.095238 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.095238 |
young age | 0.095238 |
LOWER IN old age | 0.095238 |
mexico | 0.090909 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.090909 |
high bmi | 0.076923 |
age | 0.060606 |
LOWER IN male | 0.054054 |
LOWER IN female | 0.050000 |
male | 0.032787 |
female | 0.022472 |
adult | 0.008475 |
united states of america | 0.006689 |
homo sapiens | 0.005420 |
feces | 0.004695 |
Term | Score |
LOWER IN cuba | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN mexico | 0.500000 |
non usa born | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN usa born | 0.500000 |
usa born | 0.500000 |
LOWER IN non usa born | 0.500000 |
cuba | 0.333333 |
hispanic or latin american | 0.250000 |
LOWER IN body mass index | 0.200000 |
old age | 0.142857 |
LOWER IN young age | 0.142857 |
body mass index | 0.142857 |
low bmi | 0.111111 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.111111 |
young age | 0.111111 |
LOWER IN old age | 0.111111 |
mexico | 0.100000 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.100000 |
high bmi | 0.071429 |
age | 0.047619 |
LOWER IN male | 0.040000 |
LOWER IN female | 0.035714 |
male | 0.020408 |
female | 0.012987 |
adult | 0.004255 |
united states of america | 0.003356 |
homo sapiens | 0.002717 |
feces | 0.002353 |
Term | Score |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
united states of america | 1.000000 |
adult | 1.000000 |
hispanic or latin american | 1.000000 |
mexico | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN cuba | 0.083333 |
cuba | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN mexico | 0.083333 |
non usa born | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN usa born | 0.083333 |
usa born | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN non usa born | 0.083333 |
female | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN male | 0.083333 |
male | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN female | 0.083333 |
low bmi | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN body mass index | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 0.083333 |
age | 0.083333 |
old age | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN young age | 0.083333 |
body mass index | 0.083333 |
high bmi | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 0.083333 |
young age | 0.083333 |
LOWER IN old age | 0.083333 |
Term | Score |
mexico | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN cuba | 1.000000 |
feces | 1.000000 |
homo sapiens | 1.000000 |
united states of america | 1.000000 |
adult | 1.000000 |
hispanic or latin american | 1.000000 |
cuba | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN mexico | 1.000000 |
non usa born | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN usa born | 1.000000 |
usa born | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN non usa born | 1.000000 |
female | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN male | 1.000000 |
male | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN female | 1.000000 |
low bmi | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN body mass index | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN high bmi | 1.000000 |
age | 1.000000 |
old age | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN young age | 1.000000 |
body mass index | 1.000000 |
high bmi | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN low bmi | 1.000000 |
young age | 1.000000 |
LOWER IN old age | 1.000000 |
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